Gym Dream 2/19/20

This dream was like a low budget high testosterone 80s action martial arts cop movie.

Handstand pushups and hand walking qualify it under the “gym dream” umbrella.

Lakeside to show off (I’d say the crowd was mostly chicks I’ve met in real life) I sat in lotust position, pressed off the ground to an L-sit like position, then slowly levered up into the handstand.

I’d do a few reps then hand balance walk around. Not just flat ground, but up and down steps, even onto a picnic table where at the edge I did something ridiculous like 75 full range of motion to the chest reps.

And right now you’re thinking, “how does this qualify as a high testosterone low budget 80s action flick”.

You see I was dreaming a cheesy cop movie. It must’ve been 80s due to the blaring Metallica and lack of cellphones.

My partner and I would not only spar each other gloved kickboxing regularly at the cop shop, we’d allow people to resist arrest with the promise that if they ko us we’d not serve the warrant (we alternated who fought and kept it 1v1). The dream had a bunch of mostly civil bare knuckle boxing matches, but a few warrants (a giant 7′ 400lb redneck at a bar against my partner) devolved into wwe chokeslams and power bombs (after getting powerbombed my partner caught the giant with a lucky haymaker right on the button).

In a moment possibly against the Chuck Norris rule I chokeslammed
a 5’8″ 130lb junky onto the sidewalk when he drew a switchblade on I think it was my partner..

You know maybe this was a cheapo 90s high testosterone martial arts flick.

I was a white brawling bodybuilder, and my partner a black brawling bodybuilder with facial features like nba player David Robinson.

My girlfriend was a tall thick sexily proportioned mullato girl with a small light brown afro (I’ve walked by this one in real life), and she was not the only sex scene in the movie. At one point I walked in on my partner with a very petite mullato girl (this role played by a chick I knew out west) we’d pulled over for speeding at 100mph+ near the local community college, and I was actively cheating on my girlfriend with a tall thin blonde (played by someone I’ve known for most of my life).

Weirdly every female in the dream, which I’d say was lucid, it felt like having my conscious and ability to make decisions while knowing I was in a movie, was someone I either know or at the very least have seen in real life.

The dream ended with a fire fight in a warehouse. For whatever reason my partner was without his gun, and was rushing the perps with a billy club as I provided cover fire. I’d say he beat one perp to death with that stick, I’d wounded both with the department issued 9mm, and with the second perp I went over kill palmsmashing his head into the concrete after he was already dead, having emotionally lost it, him having played dead after taking shots to a hidden bulletproof vest and by doing so almost getting my partner. The two perps had almost got both of us. They were both dead and we had piddly graze wounds. It had been two minutes of sprinting, ducking, screaming tactical info, and I woke up heart booming, panting as if I’d truly lived it, weirded out to be in my room, even checking my left arm for the graze wound I expected to be there.

Fun dream. As a 9-12 year old I had dreams like this set in warzones pretty commonly. It was a blast to have a cop movie lucid dream.

There was a vision quest theme overlayed throughout, and on at least three separate occasions during it, I was visited ghost of Obi Wan style by the spirit of my grandpa standing before me during early morning hours.