Genetic Freak Or Simply Trained Harder Than You?

I have a hard time looking at a guy and writing off his gains as because he’s some genetic freak.

A perfect example is Ken Leistner.

Some will say he’s a strength genetic freak, yet I don’t see it that way.

(Aside: Isn’t genetic freak status supposed to only apply to elite bodybuilders and NFL players? Trolls and haters need more originality.)

Read all his stuff that you can get your hands on you’ll find some trends.

He did massive amounts of labor working with his welder father.

He ran massive amounts for football.

He always lifted.

He ate as best he could.

Simply it looks like he went hard always, and had a massive base from his youth.

Whether HIT works or not for most is irrelevant. I’d bet it worked for him because he believed it worked, add in that consistency and viola.

He likely had the right atmosphere the entire time AND the right mental outlook.

He likely recreated this with his son and adopted son too.

(An article on this note, Ken Leistner on Squatting Perspective.)

A lot of his trainings was at home, his own gym, or what seemed to be a semi-open to the public garage which had a slew of powerlifters, strongman competitors, and D1 + NFL football players come through.

Whatever you’re doing, you can likely up it a notch or more.

Genetics don’t vary so greatly that they matter all that much.

The right mind, atmosphere, and hard work will do a lot. Like the above linked article, it’s all a matter of perspective.
