Flow : Bacon Is The Best Energy Bar

Some crispy bacon is the best energy bar you can get.

Years ago I read this suggestion on a defunct blog “apocalypse barbell” written by former marine Colin Webster, the son of NFL hall of famer Mike Webster.

He said how his father would eat a small amount of bacon before training camp two a days, and how he had good results doing the same on the mornings of PT tests, and when he knew there would be long runs.

On that PT test note, he wrote how the best “recovery” method he found being a big heavy guy for quickly being good to go after long 5k+ runs was to immediately drop into a deep atg squat for a minute or so. This works very well for me, working labor, at the gym, in life in general. “Third world squat”.

Bacon? A few oz gives me great energy, and contrary to how bad it supposedly is…I stomach this before physical activity better than anything else I’ve tried.

Expensive to buy precooked, I think I’ll have to just cook pounds at a time in the oven.

And waste not want not, save that bacon grease to pour into ramen at dinner. That’s what I do. Dinner is often meat thrown over ramen, and I just pour the drippings into the noodles.

Animal saturated fat is the most anabolic dietary thing. Use it!

A funny story ; a buddy of mine for years ate the same breakfast every morning, 7 egg whites plus 1 whole egg. Those 7 yolks either went down the drain or into the ground.

One morning at his house I go “dude, I’m hungry too, don’t toss those yolks, set them aside, I’ll fry them up after you’ve fried up your whites”, and did so, a few times at his house actually.

Many toss out perfectly good anabolic calories, yolks, drippings, etc.

Me? I’ll use the saturated fat. I’ll drink heavy cream. I’ve never tossed an egg yolk. I pour my meat drippings onto other things.

This was the way in an older more physically robust time.