“Floating Pain” : A Concept From John Broz

From the archives :
April 2017 or April 2018

When you train hard and frequently with the barbell it’s likely that something will almost always feel a little “off”.

I cleaned and pressed 3 or 4 mornings that week, and my left wrist was “off”.
What caused it? I think the bar I used was slightly bent, and I figured “fuck it, not heavy enough to matter.”

Come the weekend it was bugging me, I even had done a few hours of labor that bugged it, but the next morning…gone, and soreness.

Something feeling off doesn’t mean all that much.

You SHOULD know the lines between “off”, legit hurt, and actually asking for injury. It’s a scale, most of it (if you’re not terribly soft) is still ok for training.

Your body is far more resilient than you likely imagine.

Back in high school I read weightlifting coach John Broz refer to it as “floating pain”.

As in “when you train hard everyday you’ll have something off somewhere, it means nothing, and will float from bodypart to bodypart seemingly at random”.

I’d liken it to a haunting. Like a ghost that’ll only scare you if you believe in it, it’ll only affect your training if you hypochondriac like b-leeeeeeeevvv in it.

(Pronounce believe as spelt above.)

Most of the time one can warm up through it.

Most of the time people don’t attempt to do so.

Go train everyday. You’ll discover that you’re capable of it very quickly.
