February 2023 Flow – Kettlebells, Body (Re)Composition, Extreme Appetite, & Ribcage Expansion :

Lazy Saturday.

I did just about nothing today.

Read on the witch brick (cellphone) most of the day, ate a few times, my time outside naught but two real brief kettlebell minisessions.

Which is the impetus of this writing.

The first time snatching the bell 5x each side, the second time 5 snatches, 5 cleans, a few deep breathes holding the bell in rack, then repeat on the other side.

This was done as a complex from start to finish, no rests.


Everyone should own a reasonably weighted kettlebell.

Built in with a single kettlebell is perfect logistics, travel able or home based, for high frequency full body workouts.

Snatch it. Clean it. Press it. Hold it in rack for many deep breaths. Front squat it.

When I have a little more cash I intend to purchase a 106lber, do the movements above, then over time keep increasing the bell weight.

There is no reason a large man couldn’t do all of the above, each side, with a 203lber.

At which point you’re inadvertently competitive in all strength sports.


The kettlebell has quickly became a game changer for me, and I’ve only just begun.


an accurate depiction of my caloric intake – see below

The old school bodybuilder worked on expanding the ribcage.

A large rib cage was thought to be the measurement of size potential.

xxl ribcage = xxl frame = strong super heavyweight

A month ago when I started with my 32kg kettlebell I did not expect to have the muscles of my ribcage, sternum, and chest in a month long period of occasional cramping with low level, but perpetual, soreness/activation.

Alongside this has come an insane increase in appetite.

5000 calories has ceased to be maintenance.

It’s higher.

Eating taco meat over frozen chocolate chip waffles higher.


Purchase a kettlebell of a weight you find challenging.

Milk it. Improve with it in every way.

Save, eventually spend a substantial amount of grocery money for more and heavier bells.

You might eat yourself out of house and home, but you’ll be strong, fit, it all cause of a cannonball with a handle.

Persistence & Tenacity

kollegah – alpha
(cause german rap is high testosterone lifting music…as you eat yourself out of house and home while recomping from kettlebell stimuli)