Eggs Are The Superfood

Eggs are vilified by the media, it’s crazy to think but in a dystopian future they could be outlawed.

There’s a power in the raw yokes.

Would I even be exaggerating to call them nature’s concentrated manhood?

Drink them.

It truly is the superfood.

Even in the most expensive parts of America you can find them somewhere by the 5 dozen count for $10 or less.

Nothing is going to pack as much nutritional punch nor be as inexpensive to implement as body overhaul by egg.

Hell, even at prices more expensive I’d still suggest an egg habit of at least 3 daily.

That is a raw suggestion. I’m inclined to say cooked doesn’t count towards that number, that cooked eggs are solely extra credit.

I’m at 3 weeks of raw egg milkshakes now.

It’s the best dietary thing I’ve ever implemented.

I’ve learned my lesson.
