Eating Healthy Made Easy

In the past year I’ve mostly lost my taste for junk food. The only time I eat it being a candy bar at work, or maybe a whoopie pie after work or the gym.

I don’t like soda much at all anymore. Recently, I usually don’t enjoy the made with real sugar root beers, which I used to love. It’s been a long while since I’ve enjoyed any soda with high fructose corn syrup, so mostly nix my former advice to use cheap generic soda as a calorie booster (go fatty dairy, heavy cream or egg nog instead), though I will say I’ve been drinking some high quality ginger beers as medicine.

In addition to those ginger beers I eat a lot of spices, rotating sources. My opinion is that a lot of spice in the diet is good for you. Clearer sinuses. Probably better alignment of the hormonal profile.

Dinner for the last few nights has been a first plate of frozen chicken or breakfast sandwiches microwaved, followed by the meat of the day…a homemade burger averaging a tad shy of 12oz precooked weight.

I spice the burgers a lot, and leave them mostly raw.

After the burger I eat enough to be filled. Some guacamole when I have it, and the last few nights it’s been a small bowl of corn flakes after the meat.

You can’t go wrong with meat and potatoes.

For carbs I find potatoes made into home fries, and somewhat surprisingly corn cereal to be the best choices.

Vegetables? This doesn’t go much past onions with my meat (and potatoes), and I’ve very much enjoyed pickles as of late.

Fruit? That’s a small amount of juices.

I don’t eat like a bodybuilder. I’d feel like shit if I was eating frequently throughout my work shifts. It’s a game really, the balance of energy vs sluggishness. I prefer to move without vs move with too much.

I eat what I crave, fearing nothing, no fear of fat, sodium, cholesterol or anything currently in vogue as bad for you.

Breakfast is something light on my stomach with a bit of protein, or not at all.

Lunch? Is usually half a sandwich, a bar of some sort, one, the other, or both, at one or two moments, usually truck time at work. Usually well past lunch hour.

By the evening, after work, after the gym, (call it 10 hours of physicality) I’m ravenous, barely containing myself to eat once home. It’s very possible I’ve had under 500 calories between 4am and 630pm

I grocery shop, and cook pretty frequently, though with the physical work allow myself to splurge some on the occasional quick source of energy, and the fairly nutritious frozen foods.

(Mozzarella sticks, the “meat” sandwiches, the high quality breakfast sausage.)

I look for fairly nutritious at a minimum before I eat it. It doesn’t have to be the highest quality. Thank God for the grocery supply chain.

I drink mostly water, some juice (grape or apple), and milk.

I partake in the good seasonal items like egg nog and apple cider.

I’ve been consistent with the 8+ oz of daily meat requirement, but have slipped on the 6+ eggs daily part, though the eggs mixed in heavy cream is anabolic and testosterone boosting as all hell.

You don’t have to eat like a bodybuilder. You don’t!
You only need to eat reasonably. That is real foods, the instinctive consumption of animal fats, and the following of healthy cravings.

Once your taste buds are good to go, eat everything you crave, and nothing that you don’t.

People quit because they’re trying to either force something they don’t enjoy, something that is unnatural, or both.

For diet go instinctive, enjoy your red meat, center the day’s consumption around that nightly meat, and backfill around it by desire, circumstance, and requirement.

Easy peasy.

Persistence & Tenacity