Dips Are High Testosterone : The Bodyweight Exercise “Natty” Equivalent To Steroids

The dip is high testosterone.

You need non anecdotal evidence?
Go do a scientific study, preferably one that refutes me, then shove it up your ass.

Over the last 3 months I’ve done a lot of dips.

(My definition of a lot…for those who know me.)

In fact I was mentally referring to my training as my “dip odyssey”.

I watched the movie “Shot Caller”, and as “Shotgun” dropped off the bar I had the brain thought “how far can I push dips”, and at the next day at Planet Fitness I started.

300 reps.

That was my hard and fast rule for the minimum each session.

It’s enough, you’ll hit “Cardio Calisthenics™” territory, for the most part I recovered from day to day, and it was the minimum.

I recall going to 700-800 a few times and 500+ quite often.

I did the volume dips 6-7 days a week for about 7 weeks straight, during which it was of note that I learned to feel my lats from slow controlled negatives.

I then had a couple work trips over a 2 week period (where I actually did the reps one day at an out of state Planet Fitness) but over those two weeks was mostly off.

The road trip caused…recovery.
(This is an article in of itself…”Road Trips For Recovery”.)

My shoulder, the joint itself, had been locking. Not pain, no soreness, just locking. The road trip time off caused the locking to go away.

4-6 weeks on and 7-10 days without the frequency is sustainable physically.

I switched to pullups for the last 2, 2½ weeks.

I’d noticed that the high volume dips noticably raised my testosterone.

I was leaning out while muscling up. My “fuse” was shorter. My sex drive was up.

It felt like I was 16 years old again, just this time 70lbs more heavily developed, and without the inhibitions.

The time off lead me to observe what it was like doing no dips…

And then I did dips today…

Way shorter fuse!

Yep, high volume dips raise testosterone.

I’d never done enough volume on them before this experiment. During what was roughly weeks 4-6 I was at 3000+ weekly. Shit gets intense.

I’ve had heavy squatting give these effects hours after the fact. With the volume dips it kicks in for me at around 150 reps in, then stays with me for a few days.

Dips done for high volume and frequently are the Cardio Calisthenics™ equivalent to a steroid cycle.

My opinion as to why this is :

•Dips involve significant musculature. They’re stressing all of the upper body, not just the push muscles.

•I’m good at dips. I can push them to Cardio Calisthenics™ territory (high reps, high sets, good pump, little rest periods).

•They’re at the perfect place intensity wise. They’re hugely beneficial, able to be pushed hard, but without wrecking me physically.
(Cardio Calisthenics™ principle)

• Body language – you should see how I drop off the bar.

• Mindset – the place I go mentally as I do them.

Persistence & Tenacity