December 2022 Flow – 12/5/22 – Food Choices & Listening To Your Body :

12/5/22, 345am
Ravenous I go to the kitchen, what am I craving – meat? Maybe. The only option is leftover chicken wings. Not in the mood right now.

The more accurate craving is just saturated fat, and I’m not in the mood for eggs – cheese sandwich sounds good, peanut butter and cheese sounds horrible, the peanut butter that is, the stuff’s consistency doesn’t always sit well.

Now, in a way, I’m more european than american, I butter my sandwiches everywhere in place of what you expect to be mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise, I only eat the stuff when it comes on something I ordered. I don’t not eat it, I just about never add it myself or say yes to it when asked.

(Exception – taking bout eight packets to slather over my burger and fries for a higher calorie takeout meal after what was probably a 20hr fast.)

A lazy cheese sandwich is peanut butter and cheese.

This morning?
See how I feel about the consistency of peanut butter in the moment.

So we’re doing it right, bread, butter, peanut butter, and cheese.

We want the extra heaviness of the peanut butter. I do sometimes eat butter and cheese sandwiches.

I slice the butter real thin and chop it into tiny lardon sized pieces, microwave the bread and butter for :15, spread it, glob on the peanut butter, mix it around with the extra, bigger than space to spread, butter, and with that set – I slice the cheese, about half of an 8oz brick of what I have on hand.

Some cheese crackers on the side, and voila – I enjoyed my before 4am meal.

Still a bit hungry – this meal probably cause I’d skipped the apple pie and vanilla ice cream I’d usually have eaten around 11pm.


You’ve gotta listen to your body when you eat.

I only touch peanut butter when it is a craving, this morning the lazy sandwich sounded terrible, while butter and cheese (something I do eat) didn’t sound strongly appealing, so the sandwich included it all.

Milk, while I drink copious amounts – is drank at the end of the day, while I am ravenous, when I crave it, or during/after lots of sweating and/or physical effort.

And ice cream is great at any time when hydration is an issue! It’s a great refueler, even used as “prehab” like refueling!

I expect to go to bed, at the very least nap, after eating grits. It is generally thought of as breakfast food, but it puts me to bed, relegating it to a craving food or when ravenous desiring something “heavy” late night as an extra meal.

I tend to cook it with pepper, and sometimes garlic powder added, shredded cheese mixed in, whatever meat is on hand to finish the bowl.

Oats I’ve found to work as a raw ingredient in egg shakes, or mixed with eggs in a bowl before pan frying.

I will eat oatmeal cookies.
I do not cook oats as is traditional in liquid – that preparation gives me stomach aches, and overconsumption leads to some stomach turning blast poops near the end of the day.

…eating serious quantities of instant oats at a hotel continental breakfast, I’m talking 2500-3000 calories of instant oats, 12-16 hour delay – that’s how I know…

Funny that I spent a good deal of middle school and high school having a bowl every morning, listening to what is “common knowledge”, not what I felt, my instincts buried.

A stomach ache after nearly every breakfast.

I eat little in the way of bread, just the occasional cheese sandwich, or almost common buttered sourdough toast.

Almost never do I have the bun when I make myself a burger at work. For months coworkers thought this very odd – now they’re surprised on the odd night I have a traditional looking burger.

Eggs are the superfood…and I rarely eat/drink them. Yes drink, I go through phases making daily raw egg shakes.

When I eat them it’s fried, often cut with oats as written above.

I never eat them scrambled, that’s almost never sat well, just like oats cooked in liquid.

Cream of wheat is not food so far as I am concerned. Tastes nasty, doesn’t digest, it’s like all the cons of oatmeal without a positive.

When I eat a sandwich a regular occurrence is butter, grape or strawberry jelly, and salami.

It’s a regular enough craving.

My red meat is generally cooked to medium at most, and that’s when I accidentally over cook it.

I dodge low fat/no fat dairy products as much as possible.

Skim milk tastes like off water. Whole milk tastes like “God made this especially for me, so I can be big and strong” – YES

I’ve noticed significant difference in my preference to other full fat dairy products as well. Walmart generally has an organic full fat kefir, the latter part the selling point to me – much better than the low fat or skim based product normally found.

Occasionally I find full fat greek yogurt, and tend to always buy it. It’s much better, much more a difference than with kefir.

It’s shameful that so much dairy on the shelves is without part or all of its fat.

Where does it go?
Does commercial baking use all the cream byproduct?

An interesting historical fact – prior to world war two most skim milk was simply dumped as a byproduct, as waste!

And now it’s sold at the same cost as it’s more nutritious counterpart…whole milk.

I try to waste as little as possible of fat from my cooking. I’ll fry something in burger grease immediately following it’s cooking.

This will often be, splash some water, a pack of crunched up ramen letting the beef fat cook into the noodles, the water cook out of the hot pan.

At least once I ate the yolks, the food waste from my buddy’s serious egg white habit – “dude, stop throwing those down the drain, I’m hungry too”.

Blew his mind that I’d eat all the cholesterol willingly, it’s I that know the yolks are the best part, a third or half the protein, all the fat, all the cholesterol – mother nature’s testosterone booster.

It’s always surprised me that we’re in disagreement on this point.

Potatoes are a robust carb.
You can’t go wrong with any preparation, even shitty restaurant mashed potatoes are acceptable.

Wendy’s sell good enough baked potatoes.
Solid in a pinch. One restaurant I worked in tossed at least 4-6 big uns every night.

When I worked, and being the new guy not being sick of them – I’d take every one available, and then at home put meat and cheese from the grocery store over them, partially free twice baked potatoes.

The free food, whether employee meal or snagged food waste, is a big perk for line cooking these past ~15 months – most of my weekly hamburgers are cooked at work in the already smelling kitchen as I already smell.

I more rarely make the house smell like beef fat for 18 hours at a pop (not the greatest ventilation I’d say)..

A large percentage of my calories is restaurant food. But unlike the following…I lift weights, c&p baby, awesomeness….

I made fun of my buddy when he went from a solid 185lbs to 185 of mcdonalds based fluff on the 100% free mcdonalds diet (his only off menu eating other drive through “food” bought by the kfc classy single mother coworker he was hooking up with).

lol – at the above anecdote, and the “kfc classy” description that just came to me. During that period for him it was mostly 5-6 days of free mcdonalds, then 1-2 of kfc as supplied by his single mother whatever they described themselves as.

And I wrap this up.


Might be a lifting one later today.


juicy – which is not exactly what to write after a bunch about food…and this being as close as I got to porn last night, for whatever reason I was going through it over that urge – hence awake typing at 345am

Persistence & Tenacity