Curl Every Day/Bicep Feeder Workouts

Yesterday was the 12th day that I curled in a row, about 3 of the days were regular barbell curls, 1 day was preacher curls, 3 were moderate to heavy sets of 5-8 hammer curls, and 5 of them were feeder workouts doing a set of 100+ hammer curls with 10lb dbs.

I decided to do this after hitting a strict curl with 135 about 14 days ago. I wanted to see if I could force the 1rm to become a 5rm.

Yesterday was supposed to be test day, but I wasn’t sure if I’d be going to the gym so I did a feeder set in the AM. That night I ended up going and testing after all.

I did an easy set of 3 with 95 to feel the movement, then got to it. I ended up hitting a hard 2 and failed the 3rd rep.

12 days of extra work for my weakest bodypart, and I turned the 1rm into a 2rm. Yes I fell short of making it  a 5rm, but that was purposefully aiming high. All in all I’d say in spent less then an hour doing biceps in that time. A few sets or a feeder take little clock time.

For the rest of the month I’m going to curl every day in some capacity.

For the most part I will be sticking with hammer curls for sets of 5-10 at the gym or feeder workouts with the 10lb dbs at home. I don’t generally like short curl bars, and using a regular barbell can be hell for the wrist. Hammer curls cause no problems, so hammer curls it is for the most part.

Roughly 3 more weeks of this. I’d like to not only get the 135×5, but surpass it and hit 155×5. This short term progress opened in my eyes to the possibility of much more impressive feats like a curl of 185+ or 135×20+ reps.

Honesty forcing bicep improvement will make me have to get better at chins too. In the past my biceps were carried by my ability to do a moderate # of chins regardless of bodyweight. Improving one would improve the other, and doing both would compound the effects.

Now I’m thinking get chin endurance to 20+, and be able to 1rep with at least 1/2 my bodyweight added. The curl improvement really opened up possibilities in my mind.

I’m going to get crazy strong on these. Diesel biceps, and diesel back strength here I come!