Conditioned Limits & Odd Lifts : A Grip Strength Comparison

From Brian Alsruhe’s YouTube channel I got the idea to “rack pull” the gym’s yoke.

(Set the yoke crossbar as low as possible.)

Ahh, from Brian’s channel a screenshot :

Here’s the video link.

I’ve done this twice now :

1. 6/22/18 :
Up to 345lb with a decent hold at lockout.

I was very pleased with this as it was nearing my regular every day overhand deadlift max of 365-385.

2. 8/15/18
Up to 425lb very clean, this could’ve been a decent hold, and 445 barely. This time I was simply pulling without long holds.

I was dumbfounded by this, and am somewhat surprised that I didn’t go mental these both having been past my overhand deadlift max of 405.

Based on this performance I got a wonderful awful idea…to try to get the axle to deadlift floor height.

Simulated SUPER fat bar deadlift :

After testing one box, on the second try I got a box that had the bar set at about an inch above normal floor height.

Close enough.

I worked back up to 385 very cleanly and hit an ugly 405 where the thumb on my right hand slipped near lockout, but I did finish the lift.

I was trying to pull this all double overhand.

Being a stupid thick bar the weight is further in front of you than a regular bar. This is why thumbless is advantageous. The thumb out of the way brings the bar in slightly closer.

Now compared to a barbell of the same thickness :

The yoke sways as the weight is out in front of you and behind you. A barbell doesn’t do this.

On the yoke the weights are not that far from your center, on a barbell the weight is a few feet to your sides.

Based on many military press reps I say these factors roughly counteract each other.

(I’ve pressed the 185lb yoke so many times over the last year+ having grown to view it as a no set up required base weight. Yes, I strict press 185+ on a super thick bar regularly…and cold. Likely an article here for another time.)

That means I pulled 405 double overhand practically from the floor on a 3″ (I believe, it the same model of yoke as in the Alsruhe video) bar.

Now here’s the conundrum.

Yes I’m stronger proportionally with a more open than closed hand caused by open hand door row and hot tub handle deadlift isometric simulations, the following axle obsession, and then the work as a mover.

But today’s performance was ridiculous.

Yeah, I was fresh after 4 arguably 5 days off.

Again too ridiculous to be just that.

I was leaving poundage in the tank and even repping 10s on a bunch of backoff sets.

(Funny note : I mathed terribly wrong, in my mind I was struggling with 10×235 dumbfounding myself only to strip 50lbs and notice it has been 10×335 a decent super fat bar perfornance. This was on the “rack pulls”.)

That aside story points out I did the “deadlifts” after a good deal of “rack pulls”.

I conclude it’s that on a thick bar I have no psychological “gym rules/gym knowledge” mental block.

No one pulls their yoke, especially not in a deadlift simulation, well unless they’re Brian Alsruhe, me, or a similar kindred lunatic soul.

Still, there is no guideline here.

(Though I don’t doubt that some late 1800s strongman has pulled something huge on a similarly thick bar. Hell, I’ve likely come across it before, but I am NOT searching for such obscure info at this time.)

It was just me with a clear mind and no preconceived notion of limits testing my hands…and LEAVING SOME WEIGHT ON THE TABLE.

No preconceived notion of limit. THEREIN lies the key.

Apparently me approaching the bar.


Yoke Pull Log :

1st two sessions in post.

8/17/18 “deadlifts” up to soft lockout 465, 465 mixed, doh holds 365 x 40 seconds, 405 x 32 seconds.