Commit To 20+ Years Of Daily Calisthenics – 5 Minutes!

Title : Commit To 20+ Years Of Daily Calisthenics – 5 Minutes!

What if every day for the next 10, 20, 30 years you did calisthenics, say a brief once, twice, or thrice daily workout?

Don’t you think you’d be head and shoulders above your age peers.

Don’t you think you would be 50+ and very strong, while extremely good at calisthenics.

Don’t you think you’d always be physically capable.

Well after most have resigned themselves to forever watching sports on the couch beer in hand…defeated.

5 minutes at most, one to three times a day, given the time frame you’ll be a freak of nature.

Years of pushups give you the largest chest, plus a good deal of strength to boot.

You don’t know the value of just one set a day!

Pushups with people standing on your back come naturally given years.

Years of pullups?
Most importantly strong hands and good posture via spinal decompression.

Years of wrestler’s bridges – the strongest spine around.

Bodyweight squats, lunges, you’ll be 75+ hiking, shoveling snow, just as capable as you were between 15 and 25 years of age.

No deterioration!

Notice the lack of logistics to consider.

Notice how this is all readily available.

Notice how there are no available excuses.

Are you committed, or are the flashing screens, and all that which rob you in this life just too important to you for you to keep your physical capability in your own hands?

5 minutes!

Persistence & Tenacity

PostScript :

Here is my video relevant to the post, I didn’t want either my own or another’s video link to cause a pause in the reading :

Weighted pushup ability came from years of daily pushups, often as little as one set of around 30 each day.

I haven’t listened to a single Wes Watson video in around six months, and yet I still hear his voice and my voice as one and the same coming out of me.

What if you never took no more back steps.” – Wes Watson

The concept of commitment 24/7 on my mind.