Can You Get An Effective Workout In With An Empty Barbell?

Can you get an effective full body workout in with nothing but an unloaded 45lb barbell?

It’s a good question.

Consider the ability to do so as a test of your ability to train well with anything.

I say yes, one can get a good workout in with an empty barbell.

You simply have to get preconceived notions of how you “must” train out of your head, and understand how to make it work.

Dummkopf! Ze bar is not too light!” says the Prussian officer about to PT you with that aforementioned empty bar.

(Never underestimate the effectiveness of imagining one of the Kaiser’s officers preceding over your exercises. “Are you thinking! Go PT!” Whoah he’s even clued into your head.)

Example (from yesterday) :

•Overhead Squat x 25
You are not done yet!” – ze Prussian
•Super Slow Deep PC&Press x 3
Slower! Bar to toe!” – you know who
•BTN Press x 30
•One Arm Press x 15 (each side)
•Bent Press x 1 (each side)
Hold at ze bottom! Stand! Attention!” – he’s still here
•Press x 30

This isn’t a bad style of training session for anyone, it’s quite efficient, and effective.
Sure it’s harder for say a small female than a large male to complete but it’s doable. A man will be doing the one arm overhead work, a female with both hands on the bar. Overhead squats are quite the leveler of the playing field. They require useful full body flexibility. Don’t say what the high rep overhead squats won’t do until you’ve tried them. As I said they’re quite the leveler of the playing field. Only an athletic man or woman with sound flexibility and balanced strength development will be capable of doing them. Do them, you’ll be pleasantly surprised, and likely shocked with the discovery of just what strength they’ll give you.

I’ll likely be rehashing this in future posts on similar and related topics.

Go train (and picture the Prussian officer yelling while you do so “PT!“).

Persistence & Tenacity