Can You Do One Arm Pushups?

Can you do one arm pushups?

Can you do one arm pushups? Seriously are you capable of doing them? You aren’t? You don’t know? Well then, dear reader read on.

The internet treats the one arm pushup as if it’s a high level thing. It’s not. The one arm pushup is actually quite easy.

I’ve written on them before :

I discovered my ability to do them unintentionally. My buddy ate floor. I did too…on the first try, and then a moment later didn’t.

They are an amazing movement to lubricate the spine. The pop from the twist is something you have to experience. The relief of spinal pressure feels downright phenomenal.

No movement causes me to feel as claustrophobic about space. Narrow bits of kitchen while sturdy are not open space, open space of sturdy ground is preferable. In good weather I intend to use a basketball court or a parking lot.

It’s a way to build upper body pressing without equipment. My opinion? It’s easier than handstand pushups. I only equate the one arm to roughly 60-65% of your bodyweight on one hand. Due to one limb at a time allowing more than ½ of what both limbs allow, I call a one arm pushup equal in upper body pushing strength to a BODYWEIGHT bench. All males not weak as a kitten can do them, I’d bet I’ve even met females who can. Interestingly enough a 315lb buddy with a 315lb bench claimed one arm pushup capability. I believe it based on my one arm pushup reps correlating to a degree with my benching 225 for reps.

Just like how I’ve taught a SIMPLE, STRAIGHT FORWARD, KISS style power clean to a few people, I bet I could get most with a bodyweight bench (probably lower % for girls) to do their first within five minutes.

5 Minute One Arm Pushup Instruction :

1. Get in pushup position.
2. Lose weak side hand. Put it where it rests comfortably. Small of the back or palm on hamstring are the usual.
3. Move hand towards centerline.
4. As you descend twist the chest/boob towards the hand on ground.
5. Up.
6. Repeat and/or try opposite side. (Optional)

More details can be banged out over time.

Well I did say bang out, and the post was written after banging out 5 reps each hand.

I’m not going to insist you keep the torso rigid. I’ve witnessed 2 or 3 do one arm pushups (including myself), I’ve met 2 more who claim to have. None of us didn’t twist. While I bet a gymnast could do them without much if any twist, look at pictures online from say Al Kavadlo or Convict Conditioning the internet idea of “strict” still twists.

Of course before you try I’ll show you, and talk you through what I did.

5 minutes assuming you have minimal upper body strength. Stronger abs help too, I’d say the ability to an wheel rollout from the knees or pullup 1x/once/uno/singular is enough.

I don’t think I’m capable of stressing how easy a one arm pushup is.

It will strengthen you, though at the same time it is quite easy, and not so complicated. I can’t stress that enough. Everything gym is extremely overcomplicated.

Persistence & Tenacity