Back Pain? Stop Being Weak

Awhile back a coworker talked about his back hurting. I told him that he’s only having that back pain due to his lower back being weak.

Somewhere between 3 and 10 days later he told me seemingly out of the blue “dude, you were right”, and told me how he’d been thinking about what I had said related to strength overriding pain and the possibility of such.

Here’s a few things :

A lot of people are hypochondriac, and/or whatever you would call the equivalent speaking of pain, injury, hurt.

Due to what is the ridiculous rationale of victim culture people desire things to be wrong with them instead of right.

And whether something is legit or not :

•If you don’t think about it often it ceases to exist.
•You could be doing prehab/rehab to fix it whether it’s real or imagined.

Paranoia self dest troy ya – I can here it being sing songed, and it’s true.

Likely it’s more a worry in your head than anything in actual reality.

The worry often causes more negative issue than whatever you’re worrying about.

You can see that.

If you don’t focus on it, it doesn’t matter. I figure if I was to ever get injured it’d only be found out in my autopsy.

I’ve heard an old west actor that did his own stunts upon examination was found to have spent decades doing it all with a broken neck.
He didn’t care. A Man!

Dudes have successfully kickboxed with a broken arm. Handling his shit!

If your back hurts because because because because because…and you’re fat, change that, and it’s likely, 99%+ that the back pain goes away.

Physical weakness allows for a myriad of physical pains to crop up. You want nagging pains? Be weak, you’ll feel the gamut of pains.

Know this ; a lot of physical pain, often most, if not nearly all, is preventable, and IS prevented by the smart and diligent.

The barbaric response of always suggesting “okay then, get stronger” may sound harsh, but it’s actionable, and bears positive results.

If obesity causes a legit pain, stop being obese.

If physical weakness is the cause, get strong.

If it’s paranoia or hypochondria in your head, think better.

When you have the choice between belief in either human capability or human limitation ; choose human capability. You’re better for it.

Note : since 4th grade when my buddy, the only hindu in our school, asked me how I wanted to die as we walked inside from recess, to which I stated via riddled with gun shots, and most recently my answer being stabbed 78 times (taking one attacker with me, crippling one and the third escaping relatively sound of body – if I went all out in the answer) my answer has for about a decade and a half always been an extraordinarily violent one as to how I’d like to go out.

I’ve noted more happiness thinking along lines easily labeled barbaric.

Getting out of my head, and using a conanesque shrug of the shoulders, and with it when required an under the breath muttering of sorcery to explain things is quite simple.

Pain? Fix it.

A lot, most, often neary all is under your control, see the belief in human capability.

A buddy has told me the longer my beard the higher frequency that conan the barbarian like statements come out of my mouth.

“Cause you’re such a pleasure to be around.”

“Yeah, I am.”

So much is tied to our mindframe, our inner workings.

Why choose to be riddled with pain? You can be happy, strong, and healthy.

Focus on your frame. The rest naturally follows.

Persistence & Tenacity