April 19, 2024 – “Why Are My Quads Sore” :

I’m typing this upon laying down for the night, inadvertently having skipped horse stance – not getting out from under the blanket to do so…

And I only realized I didn’t do horse stance cause of how sore my quads are.

Must’ve put a lot of quads into yesterday’s kettlebell cleans.

I can’t wait til today’s lift, and that’s a great thing – it’s total passion for lifting again.

It’s for the kettlebell.
I wouldn’t have expected that even a year ago.

I can see heavy kettlebell lifting on youtube being monetized and changing my life.


Today’s Lift :
highly unstructured, I simply played in an almost circuit of 95lb barbell, 40kg kettlebell, 20kg kettlebell, and soccer ball

not every workout needs a program, a plan, etc – it’s not like I’m weak with 95lb bb oasn, every kettlebell variant done, and lacking athleticism by tapping a soccer ball in the air repeatedly

soccer ball 17ct is probably PR, definitely my best set with a good deal of foot to foot

to a beach boys playlist – fun
the session just over forty five minutes

ended the workout by curl throwing the 12lb shot hand to hand.

I’m using a 12lber for this, 16# is comp weight – do women stay at 8lbs in international?


While I’ll probably cook the sausage & eggs and/or onions tonight, tonight is “cheat meal” I’ve a frozen pizza about to cook, and am drinking strawberry lemonade.

I know lemonade in every variant is basically just water, a little fruit juice(s) and a decent bit of sugar but dang do I find it very freshing and hydrating.

In warm months I used to drink it between work and the gym.

As the pizza cooks between minisessions.


I may need to drop the intermittent fasting for a while.

I was wrecked by that session, and most of the way through that bottle of lemonade thought “maybe I shouldn’t have this much sugar, but instead eat mixed macro food”.

(like philly cheese steaks)


A 16oz tall jar of honey roasted peanuts is $3 (yep, it too has been hit by inflation), but still it’s over 40g protein per dollar, and it’s ready to eat.

•not keto
•not carnivore
(probably not vegan)•
•travels well


After dark minisession ; 16kg kettlebell, playing around with c&p, pyramiding 1-5-1 the press(es) with a clean every “set”, then switch sides, some bup, some c&p with h2h transfers between hands, some playing around with more complicated transfers like at the very bottom and the one hand pull, other catch at rack transfers.

Around 50, 60 presses/side total.


Showering up I notice my quads are highly activated, somewhat sore, somewhat fatigued (and totally forgetting they were sore earlier).

Is it kettlebell one arm cleans?
Is it the soccer ball dribbling?
Is it the little bit of agility and heavy footed jogging around after the kicked soccer ball?

Shrugs. I just noticed it.
Seems one arm cleans & all the counts of soccer ball dribbling are more quad stimulus than expected.


Man are my abs wrecked.
That first session did it.

Barbell one arm snatch, kettlebell overhead both size bells – every variant, kettlebell at rack (especially that 40kg rack carry or the five steps you took with the 40kg bottoms up rack carry before it fell lol), keeping a leg in air/moving a leg up in air to dribble the soccer ball – ALL ABS!

Then I did that second session, really a minisession, with the 16kg bell.

And tomorrow I’m going to have a 150lb ish buddy standing on my back for weighted pushups

Note : LONG pushup position planks weighted like that are about the hardest ab workout you could do (speaking from experience (though it was one of his similar sized buddies as he ran the timer))

Persistence & Tenacity

ugly woman – (jimmy soul) apparently not harry belafonte

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