A Couple On The Go Real Fast Food Breakfast Options For Bodybuilding :

Real Fast Food Breakfast Options For Bodybuilding :

Here’s some real food, quick things you can do when crunched for time instead of partaking in fast food in the morning.

Precooked Bacon:

Now amongst those who eat breakfast are many who go through drive thrus.

This is entirely unnecessary. There are better options.

The time excuse doesn’t apply, and these are better nutritional options to boot.

The grocery store sells precooked bacon.

I always knew this since in 2nd grade I’d often have bacon on the sandwich I brought to school, while being able to count on one hand how many times my mom fried bacon up over my childhood.

It’s a lot pricier than if you cook it for yourself, but it’s only $4 or $5 for a box, can be eaten off once or twice, and is no worse on your wallet than a drive thru would be.

It’s a lot cheaper than trying to pull something keto off through a breakfast menu though.

Bacon is a natural energy bar.
Precooked bacon shines this way.

OJ Ala Rocky :

Now I’ve talked before about egg shakes.

This is a simple preparation, and the most breakfast like of the variants.

“OJ Ala Rocky”

OJ Ala Rocky is something I did one day, initially to keep noise down in the middle of the night.

I thought orange juice may hide the egg well enough, and could be quickly stirred instead of running a blender.

It can.
Though this is something I discovered in the middle of the night, it’s traditional breakfast foods, and I find easily stomached.

A TALL glass, fill it mostly with oj (I prefer pulp, but use whatever is on hand), then crack 3-5 eggs, and stir.

Then you down it.
Rinse the cup, give your hands a quick wash.

A nutritional breakfast taken care of in 90 seconds.

You could put it in a shaker cup, take it on the go, I drink it at the sink.

There ya go,
