9/3/23 – Street “Workout” (ie Calisthenics Play) With A Buddy – I’ve (Re) Discovered Why One Does Morning PT :

605am – I pulled into the spot.

Twenty minutes prior my buddy had texted me “can it be more like 6 than 630”.

Not canceling, but running a bit early.
🙂 That’s fine by me.

I made it work, arriving about ninety seconds before him…

I watched this at 14/15yo (when it was new) – I’m linking it for a reason…


We did somewhere between five and eight sets of pullups.
I started with a set of seven chins, and mostly did sets of three in a rotation of grips – narrow, overhand, hands touching struck me as the most fun.

Interestingly the normal pullup grip was probably my weakest, and chins are now stronger than pullups (again – as was in the beginning – makes sense as lately I curl semiregularly, but very rarely do pullups).


Next was burpees or at least the intention of burpees.

He did not want to “I go, you go” with one pumps until someone tapped or ∞ was reached.

I actually had started a 30:00 timer to call ∞, but seeing he wasn’t doing that I just goofed around, some burpees here and there, kicked into some handstands which hyped him up – I got a few good few seconds handstands, rode down a freestand handstand pushups negative, did a couple half negatives there too.

Also goofed around with pistol attempts, he has them, I don’t.

I showed him cossack dancing as something of a touche, also showed him a kneeling jump and got him to do one.

At one point as he goofed around with his phone, he more than me wanting to film calisthenics content this morning…on my third attempt (ever and within a couple minutes of the idea initially striking), then repeating it another four times or so as we did our session, this session in a style which in my eyes epitomizes the vibe of street workout calisthenics…

(ie playful, mostly seeing what you can do – a lack of rigidity to the thing)

I now have the burpee where you jump touching feet and hands – super, aztec or something the name for this.

I knew it to be called aztec pushups on sherdog circa 08.

He filmed me. The problem it being with his phone. HE has a nice high definition video of me doing it lol

I’ll see if I can get a copy to upload, otherwise I’ll just go film it myself soon.

Hopefully the tennis court lights still turn on at night. I like the optics of doing burpees nighttime under the lights.


As we parted ways (with a fist bump instead of handshake – ick), I joked “and now, being up it’s off to my favorite place…the grocery store, where they shall sell me one of these (I held up my gallon jug) of milk”.

The grocery store did soon after sell me a gallon of milk amongst other things.

Postworkout I sit finishing off the last 40oz or so of my already open gallon alongside a nice little meal of pancakes with a few sausage, some butter, whipped cream, and strawberry slices.


Out of the house for a 6am workout…

What a start to a good day!


Scratch the above about not being able to link it. I did get a good copy from him.

Firstly I took some time in inshot…then I discover black and white filters in youtube itself!

And the short itself is doing quite well…

It’s time to ramp up the effort put into the burpees.

Persistence & Tenacity