9/1/23 – Flowing On Calf Raisers & Home Based (Calisthenic?) Leg Training :

I just did a set of 30 calf raises, calf raisers as some call them.

There were periods where I did 100 a day, I’m talking in high school and soon after – not a decade plus after, sometimes as one straight set – the 100+ set all in one go, most often 3×35 (I’ve always liked 3×35 across exercises really), sometimes 2×50 or 4×25.

A few periods of doing these for lengths of time.

It’s a surprisingly effective way to keep your legs in the pink, simple logistics, minimal input – I feel the exercise up the entire posterior chain…

It’s in more than just the calves.

we’re definitely looking at the calves here

Another simple logistics, minimal input lower body thing is hip thrusts off a couch or something, again getting to the 100 rep century set. This too = lower body in the pink.


It’s far smarter to start around 25 the first day, then every five to ten days hopping up another 25 or so.

Give yourself about a month to go from 0 to 100 calf raises.

You’ll thank me taking this approach, unless you like massive calf cramps and having your basic human locomotion be an exercise in mental toughness for a few days (~4) straight.



Walking lunges.

I had them, no joke, as an event on the PT test as did one year in jrotc.

It was max reps in :60.
A few of us bettered 70, counting each leg as a rep.

This builds an amazing base for when you put a barbell on your back and start squatting.

With these too I’ve had periods of doing them daily.

Walking lunges, whether swamp lunges or regular – it’s a quick way to get some useful ability into your legs, a quick way to put on some sexy looking thighs.

Then you flex, hold wall sits and horse stance to bring in another ability.


I’ve too had periods of daily, light, high rep overhead squats – with an empty or lightly loaded barbell, even with a kettlebell slid over a wooden dowel.

Yeah this isn’t calisthenics.
It requires some equipment, official gym barbell or improvised, but it too is something pretty easily done to high effect home based for the lower body/full body.


I’ve little interest in lifting lately.
I feed the animal with burpees and lunges.

On the occasion I’m away from the dead end, physical job I work – I’ll barbell snatch low reps and/or barbell press in a couple different rep ranges.

still only looking at the calves here

I have plenty of equipment, barbells, kettlebells, dumbbell.

I have access to a proper height pullup bar, dips bars – both easily accessible as I run errands.

My interest at present lays near exclusively in burpees and lunges.

My interest in pushups varies before I do them, but at 1155pm, when I make sure they’re getting done if not done earlier – I smile, feel real good knowing that I did them.


Sunday morning, I should be meeting up with the living breathing weight seen in the channel’s weighted pushup video – he reached out to me the other day, for burpees, lunges, maybe pullups and dips.

I last trained with another 15 months ago.

It’ll be cool to, I intend to just “I go you go” with burpees, with him – assuming he shows up.

He set the time. We’ll see.

Persistence & Tenacity


you’ll never leave harlan alive – darrell scott

just was feeling the song today