8/23/21 Gym Dream – Pullup Bar Handstand Pushups :

The dream set in somewhat of a bizzaro world, picture something batman’s joker would design…

I came across this business half hockey goofy sports specific training, half hockey themed arcade.

I wasn’t impressed :

•knowing I’m a better trainer, that basic strength and conditioning work would give better results than for example electronically measuring the reaction time of shifting weight laterally while on skates.

•with the arcade part, being I have no use for video games, and the ridiculous cost of tokens to play anything else (that mini bowling thing for example) that I might have.

1 token for $5
4 tokens for $19

I remember the price, tokens are supposed to be more like 25¢. The price was inverted.
Outside nearby was a crossfit like competition going, and in front of the hockey arcade building with crowds of event spectators walking by was a high long pullup bar made of pipe.

Speaking with the owner/head trainer of the hockey place near the bar I was saying better results and ability would come from that pullup bar.

He called me out.
I jumped up.

Initially coming close up a muscle up, it was then I started to think I was in a dream…it started turning lucid.

With the urging of a very oddly built (huge muscular upper body, particularly her arms, tiny little legs) and tatted up ranked woman crossfitter I hit the muscle up…and kicked over into a handstand.

I have video for this part.

About 30 seconds into this handstand I told some goofy fat dude, who looked oddly familiar, to take a photo for me with my phone.

Directing him to find my phone while still holding position was interesting to say the least.

He took the photo, and decided to start filming with his phone.

All the while that hockey trainer/arcade owner guy was like “pfft not impressed – it’s just a handstand at 270″…while he himself couldn’t at 195.

Meanwhile a crowd was forming, more cameras were coming on (the flash annoying), and after a solid minute upside down to prove a point…I put on a show!

Freestanding handstand pushups balanced on a pullup bar 8-10′ above the ground.

3. The crowd starts clapping in sync with my rep speed.
5. I zone out, in full flow state.
7. I think, it could’ve been 8 or 10, I return to the ground slow and controlled.

Obviously not the dream.
I don’t have video of a freestanding hspu, though I’ve come close to one before.

I say a grade a one liner to the hockey trainer/arcade owner, thank the fat dude who’d initially photographed me during the long handstand hold, and speak with that woman crossfitter thanking her for the encouragement.

I pick someone out of the bunch who’d been filming in the crowd, give my contact information and say either send me the file or tag Persistence & Tenacity when you upload it.

Fun dream.
Now, the physical performance is beyond what I am currently capable of, but I am inspired by these – I take them as the subconscious giving me encouragement.

I’ve never had dreams where I do things physically impossible.

The performance?
It’s within the realm of possibility.

Persistence & Tenacity