8/11/23 – A Minisession After A Few “Off Days” :

830pm, 3:00 total
After four days without touching a kettlebell, doing a burpee, or lifting a barbell, thinking today another off day, the day nicely off of work, having slept twelve hours, and having eaten up some (a big ole ~14oz burger patty with three and a half slices of american cheese, a giant 8oz reese’s cup ie eating as I desired)…

Today I finally got myself to again touch a kettlebell and do a few burpees.

I tell you this ; everytime I take only a few days off, the next time touching the weights is like greating a long lost friend.

And another thing…..

Exercise – You Only Need 3:00 :

Initially I’d little drive to workout, but a moment of downtime while being outside meaning I was already halfway there – I decided to train, getting in a brief minisession after a few days without.

I changed the recent usual ; there was no 65lb barbell, and the 32kg kettlebell for one arms swings instead became a 20kg kettlebell for one arm snatches.

I did burpees freestyle as is my wont.
Something in the vicinity of a navy seal without the jump, but with extra everythings tacked on.

The mosquitos tonight are horrendous, this year having been fairly light of them mostly.


Three minutes is enough daily training time.

You need that little.
Everyone has it.

The out of shape have excuses.

You can afford a light to medium kettlebell or two (to keep at home).

There are always burpees if you’re poor, the state of california doesn’t allow you to bench press, or you’re the only adult with the fetish, the only civilian outside of crossfit to willingly do a single burpee as an adult.

Cause really very few do burpees on their own accord…their loss.


Get your kettlebell, mark off a few square feet – lift the bell, smash the burpees.

Three minutes, three sets or so combined is three minutes more of activity than inactivity, is how you keep effective exercise in your life – it best being a daily thing, rain, sleet, snow or shine (ie in all circumstance, even when minimal), and does make you feel great for a time.

There would be a whole lot more happiness in the world if everyone had a kettlebell to swing or snatch, used it, and did burpees on a regular basis.

Persistence & Tenacity