7/19/23 – Talkin Bout Working & “Lifting” :

A coworker, the smallest dude on the crew (5’8″, 160lbs, fairly new to manual labor), was goofing around walking around with ils (imaginary latissimus syndrome) all day.

I thought it hilarious.


Today I actually participated with the numbskulls I work with in actually “hitting the store” – generally working off of the jug of water I never roll out of the shop with less than three quarts in, a tub of honey roasted peanuts, and bag of jerky as backup if I actually take in calories before work is over for the day.

We were real close to the store, some combination of our crew rolled through bunches of times, I cracked jokes about this to the cashier ; “you’ve seen some combination of our crew six times today” – buying soda, candy, jerky – the patented laborer’s diet.

I enjoyed my candy and sodas.
Heck, I also had a couple slices of customer provided pepperoni pizza.

Drank grape juice before work, very rare for me to take anything in before work, pretty uncommon for me to take in any calories at work, generally I back load food (or lately often eat far less than you’d expect a highly physical almost 300lb man to take in).

I ate fried rice from the frozen section, sexied it up (a term defined by my uncle as adding ingredients to the dish) with a bunch of mexican mix cheese, drank a boatload more of grape juice, and a little milk…

This brings me to the story point ;

When you have enough muscle, have held it for long enough, and are high activity enough…your body becomes an absolute machine at processing calories and nutrients.

There no longer is such thing as diet rules.
It’s all energy, especially the simplest of carbs, while all the protein is efficiently used as building blocks, all the fat – hormone precursor, used to amp the body’s hormone production to elephantine.


You laugh at the situation.

Each week it’s generally ;

•~700 pushups
•~3:00 horse stance
•maybe 100 burpees
•maybe 10:00 of kettlebell ballistics
•whatever work entails

That’s the week’s physicality.

There are lots of naps…to make up for a lack of sleep…and you’re still in a lack of sleep.

Dehydration is a constant.
I run on dehydration.

Usually zero, but lately I’ve been behaving with a bit of the addict about me when it comes to both iced coffees and soda.


Over the past ~ month I’ve went from 290 to 275lbs, and at 6′ tall…I’m pretty close to getting lean…this heavy 🙂

It’s cool. I’m losing weight on a pretty high calorie average via a wild, at random, instinctive, calorie cycling.

Saying years ago “275lbs with abs” as lifetime goal, and I’m mad close.

With one day at 1000 calories, the next at 6500+. Randomized. Instinctive.


Today’s workout was ;

KB OAC w/32kg & cdc 1 pump burpees

this IS the one stop training, one bell, a few ft² – good to go

Doing something, aside from just work, is 1000x better than only being physical from work – no one talks about this.

You train long enough and a minimal thing like this holds you together, nay builds you.

The kettlebell and burpee both help me real world. I don’t need a barbell.

As said above ; my body is on machine status, fucking cyborg terminator mode – only operating on instinct, fasting, then hungering, then feeding the beast…

I wanted to talk about that “feeding the beast” in relation to appetite ; I notice my body, mind – I attribute it to the proper alignment of hormones = I function better when I have a large appetite, not force feeding, but big hunger necessitated by life, and go with it…

Getting that +/- 5000 calorie/day in for days stacked in a row – the longer the better.

Persistence & Tenacity

famous – puddle of mud