7/18/20 Flow : On Beginners

In some ways a beginner guided right could do better at a planet fitness than in the same state of newbieness at a more “serious” gym.

I’ve seen rank beginners play the “I’m a hardcore powerlifter” role in a way that immeasurably sucks.

Barely bodyweight squats and deadlifts, benches even worse…while making these ghastly numbers official at a meet.

The weakness of pf is the beginner won’t often be exposed to someone who trains well, meaning has an iota of intensity about them, and gets at least some results.

Many on the gym floor at pf are a normal middleweight sized fit, not huge & jacked. Of course there are exceptions, and steroid users just like seemingly at any gym.

Beginners aren’t doing anything resembling efficient when they’re running a percentage based powerlifting program.

Stuff like 5/3/1 or Westside is going to barely get them gains.
Programs like that can come later.

Starting Strengthen isn’t a bad starting point, but with what I know having played sports, the volume is far too low.

If a beginner must do starting strength that’s fine. Just on every off day they’re gonna be hitting volume calisthenics and preferably in addition a bit of bleachers or jump rope.

You can lift, PT, and wrestle all at once. Just don’t think about I can’ts, think about I cans.

I’d love to take a rank beginner to pf.

It has calisthenics, and you can supplement with machines.

A barbell while useful to build strength quickly isn’t actually a requirement to do so.

The best thing one with experience can do is not teach a beginner the lifts, but the mindset required to make working out effective anywhere.

For me, and many this requires actively taking the brain out of it.

Physical ability is far greater when you don’t have a self imposed limit on yourself.

Think too much, and what you heard are limits pop up…and you quit the set.

A beginner by themselves, without a mentor, is well served :

•Considering all the suggested limits
Proving them wrong

Whether at planet fitness or with a barbell I’m going to have you doing full body every single day.

You’re gonna progress fast like that.

I’ll also be pushing you, calling you out when you’re quitting, telling you to stop the negativity.

It’s what you can do, not what you can’t.

I’m not in the business of milking a client for money. I’m in the business of helping you reach your natural potential.

A beginner will go further with high frequency and high volume than by doing less.

Persistence & Tenacity