30 Pullups With Some Muscle Ups Thrown In : A Gym Dream

Wow! Another awesome physical performance…in a dream.

A few years back it was something like 100 pullups off of a cage in prison like I’d seen in some Jason Statham movie.

Last night I was doing pullups a few stories up off of some military obstacle course apparatus. A set of 30, and in it I looked similar in size, only slightly leaner. I was counting it, breaking it up into multiple sets of 5, and was in disbelief at how easy it was, how far I was going.
About 18 reps in I was pulling myself higher than nipples over the “bar” (technically beam due to it being a climbing tower), and at 25 reps in started doing muscle ups hitting them on the 26th, and 27th reps, failing the muscle up on rep 29, and finishing the 30 with another muscle up success.

I often have dreams where I do amazing things physically. It’s like my subconscious is showing me the possibilities that I truly hold physically.

Humans are meant to naturally perform awesome/have awesome physical abilities.
