3/25/19 Guest Pass Shenanigans & Layoff Thoughts

Alternatively titled : 3/25/19 4+ Months Since Seeing The Inside A Gym : A Day Pass Story

The Session aka Guest Pass Shenanigans :

Tire Flip
Big One x1 Thrown over with both hands
Big One x 1 right hand only
Big One x 1 left hand only

It looks big, but is oddly light with fairly good tread aka gripping surface. It’s not as big as the SoCal bodybuilding gym’s or my high schools tire big tire. Hilariously the bodybuilding gym’s tire is larger than my high school’s. My perception was wrong, though it may have been lighter. Tire appearance can be deceiving. Flipping a tire one handed is some violent athletic explosiveness.

Atlas Stone
To chest (ish), didn’t shoulder as there was no padding to drop it safely on from the top. I could’ve shouldered it, and maybe overhead. It was an ok size, but light.

225 c+j
275 fail x 2
255 1c+3j


Overhead stability was rough. It’s been a while since anything heavy was overhead.

Bottoms Up Press
60-65lb x 1 right hand
Didn’t lower it slow and controlled, the press was slow and controlled however, and I held for a few counts at a slightly shaky lockout. I don’t remember the kg/lb exactly.

Pinch Grip Plates
Many Fails
25s (50lb total) x a few singles, got it both hands
Many fails @ 35s (70lb total)
45s with both hands
3 45s (135lb) both hands fail

A huge amount of attempts in total, this was done before, during, and after the cleans. It causes crazy forearm and bicep soreness in a few hours delay.

Bumper Plate Flips
25 each side
45 fail a couple times, it was close, I’ve done this before.


And on the right.

Damn it! I didn’t attempt left hand while there. Left hand is the better hand at weird grip stuff, it was today on the pinch and hex stuff!

And sadly no third video of doing so with a high quality Eleiko bumper. I’ve done that too just off camera.
Not to mention kettlebell flips up to 70 or for reps lighter…with both hands. Yes that too.

These were on the fat cheap bumpers like the videos

One Arm Snatch
Fails ~8 @ 125
Fail 135
135 right hand (PR tie); second or third time I’ve done this
Fail 135 (could’ve cleaned it, chose to drop it instead)
Fail 125
Fail 115 x a few

Stability was rough, both abdominal, and wrist. All the grip work fatigued my normally ramrod straight wrist.

The first time I one arm snatched 135.

I have serious potential on this lift. It would behoove me to practice it emulating old time strongmen, and bring it far.

Hex Dumbbell Lifts (by the hex of a whole dumbbell so not technically blob lifting)
30lb each hand separately
35? maybe, I think it was a fail
30lb both hands at same time,
30lb both hands at same time into upright row

2×1 405
(I jumped in with a group and started at what they were at, took my own jumps)

315 DOH
365 DOH Fail
365 mixed
405 strapped

Good Morning

Jump Rope
~700 revolutions

Forward & Back Ward Rolls
A few


One Arm Hang
A short moment right hand

Rest pause to ~40 reps

Overhead Squat

I think that’s accurate. A session after a 2½-5 month (maybe longer) layoff depending on definition. Proof of my possessing the best genetics.

Layoff From Lifting Thoughts :

November 7, 2018 was the last time I lifted in a gym. The day I shouldered a 200lb keg a few times.

October 21, 2018 The last I lifted consistently in a gym. 5 weeks on after 3 off.

In the yard I lifted consistently through December.

I only lifted seriously twice in January, and once in February.
Though I did the 30 days of reverse curls from Jan 30- the end of February.

In March I’ve lifted moderately twice or thrice (135 snatches and overhead squats), and lifted seriously once (the day pass). On March 2nd I started doing one high rep set of overhead squats daily just with the empty bar, normally a set of 25-35 reps (15 minimum or more weight and still a 15 rep minimum over more sets). This set is long. It’s done with pauses to breath, shake out the legs, and the final rep has a long pause in the hole. Every 3-5 days on average I’ll do 1-2 sets of one arm press each side after those squats still with the empty bar. I stated 500 revolutions on the jump rope daily on the 20th for extra cardio.

The entire time I’ve been going to a public pullup bar for a set plus some hangs and flexed arm hangs on average once or twice weekly.

As you can see I’m not training much at all, and I logged this workout in depth essentially after a layoff. What I’m still capable of.

There’s strength that stays with you.

I’ll never drop below a 405 squat. My deadlift however is hit worse by inconsistency and layoffs. It’s mainly a dropping in the work capacity of the lower back, and to a degree needing more glute work.

At home this can be easily remedied by hip thrusts off the couch.

I could start lifting more often in the yard, and my buddy still wants me to join the hole in the wall gym.Yard lifting is much more convenient in Summer. Spring can be a mud pit. I may stick to the overhead squats, or drop that and lunge for distance instead. I’m looking forward to doing Jefferson lifts on good footing.

Clean wasn’t really affected, overhead stability was.

If you give your body a modicum of stimuli over the full body layoffs from heavy won’t really affect you.

It’s my opinion that there’s a “base strength” that once you’ve developed will never leave you…like my 405 squat.

“Gym knowledge” is wrong about the likelihood of the loss of gains.

Loss of gains is a mental weakness. It’s at most a very small part physical.

Your ability should never dip below 80-90% of your PRs. I’m inclined to say with the right mindset (aka not training ZERO amounts despite whatever) it will be the higher 90% area, not the 80%.

If my knowledge here was recognized as the fact that it is there’d be a lot less weakness not only in the gym’s (weaksauce) corner of the internet, but in gyms themselves.

I should also note that the lift made me feel phenomenal.

Persistence & Tenacity