December 2022 Flow – 12/21/22 – The Importance Of Barbell Play :

today I found out that I hit 25 subscribers a few days ago – I’d been wondering when that would happen


OADL, P Sn, OHS Play

Fat Grips SLDL

14×165 = PR tie, yet to hit 15 reps to my knowledge, a bit better pacing could’ve seen 17 reps


Yesterday dinner was 8oz steak, spiced with plenty of pepper and pink salt, a bunch of cranberry juice to drink, milk & oreos alongside – it all hit the spot.

Tonight’s dinner will be near identical.

I’ve got enough leftover, actually having cooked more than one dinner in the pan last night.

The body needs saturated fat, and the less processed the meat the better.

You want to eat steak fairly regularly, cooked to around medium (at most) – it’s just worth more to your body than ground beef in effect.

Ditto to bone in meat, which is how I tend to eat chicken – when you eat chicken eat “dirty” – the wings, drumsticks, leg quarters – dark meat requiring eating with your hands.

However, chicken prices are stupid right now, inflated more than beef – so splurge with steak, kielbasa, italian sausage, hot dogs.

It might be worth making big ole turkey legs for a similar dish – check the prices dude.

Splurge. With these prices:
Might as well make the cooking real simple, red meat and already fully cooked sausage variations meaning ~10 minutes to pan fry the night’s fatty protein source(s).

Hot dogs are better cooked in a pan after the steak.

Probably better to stick to kielbasa, though oddly hot dogs sit real well – have we as humans evolved to processing junk foods well – think about that.


The Importance Of Barbell Play :

I’m really liking this play period to start the session.

Thus far it’s looked like :

•left hand deadlift
•power snatch
•overhead squat or two
•right hand deadlift
•power snatch
•overhead squat or two

And I go through this a handful of times, enjoying it, and noticing that it primes me for the clean and press later in the session.

Other than noting the poundage used, I am not counting the rounds, nor if it’s exactly as written above.

I really like the idea of a 205+ one arm deadlift with each hand.

I view this routine listed above as something not to stress, but enjoy, with plenty of potential to be pushed far.


obviously not me playing with handstands

I too played with handstands a little an hour or so after lifting.

Persistence & Tenacity

December 2022 Flow – 12/20/22 – Outside, Good Food, “No Purchasing Equipment” :

OADL, P Sn, OHS Play

Fat Grips SLDL

1×155 – off a heave
1×185 – off a heave
3×205 – off a no foot movement power clean

The one arm deadlift primes the body for everything from the overhead squat during the play period to the clean & press during the session.

The three movements – one arm deadlift, power snatch, and overhead squat was a great giant set – I may have to specify the latter two were two handed as I have one arm scratched 135lbs on a few occasions.


The overhead squat as well as the one arm deadlift are both one stop shops for being one piece, strong, and well held together.


A dozen oreos, a little over a quart milk – the preworkout, I felt like having something in me.

The lift, then spending time outside enjoying the fresh air with the lift over, then dinner planned – a couple corn dogs and leftover kielbasa (in hot dog buns with relish and cheese) to tide my appetite as I cook a lb lump of steak, plenty of milk, plenty of fruit juice to drink.

I didn’t plan out baked potatoes to go with it – shrugs.

The lift making life right.

I really liked using the three movements during the play period before getting into the session.


My lifting is pull focused at this point.

All the pulling from the floor carries the legs and shoulders along with it.

You can do mostly lots of pulling, whether one variation or a million variations, and be set.

Today’s lift was a little more freestyle than it had been.


It feels so good to be outside in the fresh, cold, air.

In fact, I prefer the winter outside to the winter inside.

Part of this is being heavy, part of this is being outside for hours, part is not caring that it’s cold – ignoring it.

As long as I’m still line cooking this winter the contrast of the weather outdoors is very enjoyable.


I’m a little peeved not being able to purchase a titan kettlebell as rogue is much more expensive.

However, I still would like to have a concept2 rower.

It’s funny, I’m partly thinking aquire equipment in line with having an actual gym.

Sticking to no new equipment, no gym membership as I’d written yesterday, well – a concept2 rower and good sized kettlebell would be cardio I’d actually do, and home based without logistical issue.

As is I was thinking of buying a sturdy 18″ step stool, $20-30 or so – for home based cardio.

Step ups are great.
I’ve never done them consistently enough.

Interestingly enough, holding my foot next to a yard stick it looks that around 18″ high is where my foot is with my thigh parallel to the floor.

An 18″ step stool would be just about perfect height from the muscular standpoint for step ups.

Persistence & Tenacity

December 2022 Flow -12/19/22 – If Doug Hepburn Could…

20+5 rest pause w/140 took ten deep breaths
Lateral Raises
Lateral Raises


It’s too easy to be big, strong…and stiff.
You gotta move, play, do athletic things.

I’d been reading of Doug Hepburn.

Noticing the commonality of these brutally strong men, he, Bert Assirati, Paul Anderson – one and all capable of handstand pushups.

Also recently having read of an early 1900s wrestler doing 100yd handstand walks, plus recalling a reading of as heavyweight boxer (Archie Moore?) doing much the same.

doug showing size ain’t an issue

Handstands have been on the mind between reading of these feats, and recalling how at the end of 2020/start of 2021 treating handstand work as a 7+ hour/week hobby, and into summer 2021 still incorporating a bit daily – saw me nearly locking out a full freestanding handstand pushup weighing somewhere in the mid 200lbs.

All this leading to an hour or so after the lift my kicking up into maybe eight handstand attempts.

Two were good lengths of time, especially considering I had not kicked into one in months, nor had I been in a period of consistently practicing for them in 1½-2 years.

It’s not something I ever considered baked in.


This was something of relearning “There’s More To Strength Than Lifting Weights 101”, while at the same time a bit of a display of the “what the hell” effect most usually found online as reference to kettlebells.

Kettlebells, of which just today a 90lb titan one was sold out right from under me as I hit add to cart – maybe I am not gifting myself any equipment for The Cold Air Barbell Club for Christmas this year, which I am taking as a sign that 2023 shall be more clean and press alongside much more handstand work.

And though both prowler sprints and stair climbers call my name as gym dues requiring indoor (coddled warmth) cardio, as I sat outside I instinctively felt “the majority of the fit through human history did not require such sissy conveniences – you shall make do without”.

It pleases me to see that the thought which I have just typed above is my brain going to where my cousin has complimentarily called my “inner conan the barbarian”.

I had needed to have the rougher circumstance for my passionate pursuit of fitness.

That’s one of the past year’s lessons.

Maybe my cousin (the same as above) will meet me with his truck in an empty parking lot for to push said vehicle around.

We have not met up for such a manly unnecessarily laborious activity in years.


I have a sneaking suspicion that nothing will hypertrophy the upper body, turning it into one solid unit, like freestanding handstand pushups, handstand walks, combined with a big clean and press.

Handstand = big upper body.
Big c&p requires big, strong thighs.

The two compliment and feed into each other.

For 2023 :
•freestanding handstand pushup
•handstand walk a football field

These can be practiced just about anywhere.

No gym is a blessing!

Without one, I have to get…athletic.

If Doug Hepburn was good at handstand work, so can I!

kicking into the handstands to

jason derulo – ridin solo
which took me back over a decade to an interesting mind state – where I was smashing the weights with uninhibited joy, laughing at life’s pain, chin up, eyes a sparkle, smiling, looking to an unknown and hopeful future

I was jogging in place between kick ups – reminded me of how I enjoy doing burpees – ahh, tennis court workout ideas – here I come

Persistence & Tenacity

December 2022 Flow – 12/13/22 – Basic High Rep Barbell Programming

If it fits your macros lol – I don’t keep track of anything, I just wanted some food into me quickly before buzzing my head, showering up, and establishing the beard line on a few days worth of stubble.

Even saying to forgive myself, still if I watch porn I shave clean – maybe that’s just habit for life for me.

Unbreakable discipline on shaving the beard – it keeps me honest.

However, a few days ago it didn’t feel like compulsion, no it was something different, it was simply preferring to be able to say that I had not watched porn at any time while growing my beard.

Therefore at present I have days of stubble after what was a ten week beard, which coincidentally takes ten weeks to grow back despite taking just minutes to shave.

I type as I drink a raw egg shake, made of ice cream, some milk, three eggs, and a ½c oats, plus eat two small bowls of tortilla chips.

It’s all IIFYM when you’re not counting them.

I should be doing some food prep, simply a week’s worth of meat in a go.

I’ve been real needy lately about wanting meat immediately on hand, even eating burger king – fast food being real rare for me.

With the food access we have in this country we all should be eating far better than we do.

What does it take?
$10/day, an hour here and there to cook.

Front Squat
C&P Every Rep


The above was today’s lift.

The three movements what I’m gearing up to treat as this winter’s lifting.

I can recall an early morning front squat of 185lbs for a set past 20 reps.

This winter I look to far surpass it.

Personally I enjoy doing movements you’re not supposed to for high reps for high reps.

I get a lot out of them.

Both philosophically and real world a high rep squat is worth more than a low rep squat.

The front squat, cross arm “bodybuilder” style, is the every man’s squat – there is no form excuses that people metamorphosise out of thin air like with the (back) squat.

Keep your cross arm elbows high and bury the reps!

Pause them ass to ground (grass, whatever) too if it floats your boat.

I like pausing buried front squats.

After the high rep squats you go into the clean and press.

For pulling horsepower and wind reasons you clean every rep, press every rep, back to the clean, repeat all day long 🙂

In 2022 I’d been lazy with this, only cleaning the first rep while the biggest thing I can do for my press is more/improve cleans.

To finish the session you deadlift.

I’m partial to the sldl – preferring it to conventional, as it’s more “feel good”, it’s a muscle and a great pump vs a movement.

Occasionally or everytime, whichever frequency you desire, use snatch grip.

Note : I’m talking snatch grip sldl.

I too expect these pulls all to be pulled double overhand.

Since it’s me all done in little black winter gloves.

I was impressed today that I was pulling those cleans sl, a little hip pop when the bar hit power position, and it’s shouldered.


The programming above?

I’m excited.
This is hard.

It’s not easy to front squat, clean & press, and sldl all for high reps!

I need the challenge.

It’s winter. I doubt I’d run 20-30lbs of fat off. The high reps were partially chosen for the wind effect.

As it is I’m not running, not going to a gym, whether that gym is with or without a prowler/yoke/etc, not pushing my car or a friend’s truck, not doing any form of combat sport – so high reps make sense to one stop being so damn chubby.

Plus high reps done earnestly have very high strength potential.

You can put a lot of weight up for 10, 15, 20, 30, 50+ reps!

This gets you jacked.

And the rep count pushed real high with honest effort gets you fit.


at 104 reps of odd object – weight doesn’t matter

Could you do 104 squats whether weighted or not?

Dude, do your high rep squats consistently.

Persistence & Tenacity

December 2022 Flow – 12/12/22 – Pushups & Front Raise Holds :

Pushups :

A pushup isn’t just a pushup.

You can apply this to any exercise.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I count as I lower.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I count my nose touching the floor.
Explode up.

The entire set I’m visualizing a cute college chick sitting on my upper back.

The visualized weight equivalent to a “moderate” weight bench – call it 10 (ish) x between 275 and 315 (accurate math).

Visualizing mid 300lb equivalent it’s going to be a taller chick or a smaller dude standing on my upper back.

For a visualized 405+ equivalent we’re talking a 200+ human standing on the upper back – here we’re either talking a giantess (do they exist), or what is real easy to visualize, one of my training partners as I’ve done a pushup with him standing on my upper back in the past.


There’s a lot of play in the strength effect of an exercise based on rep speed, pauses, and visualization.


Front Raise Holds :

Front raise holds, it’d be cool to be able to hold a 45lb bar on outstretched arms for 5:00.

I have had periods of consistent usage of the movement with a 10lb dumbbell one arm at a time, however this isn’t one of those periods.

The pump feels good.
To maintain good posture your glutes fire hard – I like the stance to something out of martial arts.

Good for posture. Potentially magical as is horse stance.

The trap is pulling to keep the arm high, pulling to keep the now over 10lb hand attached to an arm parallel to the floor.

For the time this is a late night movement.

When the whim strikes causing what is just about the only time I touch the pair of 10lb dumbbells set down near my bed.

There too is a rusty 15lb dumbbell which I saved 3½ years ago seeing it about to be thrown in a dumpster at work, no longer wanted as door stop.

That requires a coke bath and/or a paint job before becoming the bedroom’s light shoulder bell.

I recall these brief holds setting my mind right before approaching the day.

I have olympic plates, I’m sure I could improvise something from the hardware store, pipe, clamps, possibly tape for an adjustable bell between 10-15lbs and 45.

Remember that the goal is two handed is 5:00 with at least an empty barbell.

The one arm dumbbell stuff is the prep.


And now it is ravenous eat everything in the house time!

December 2022 Flow – 12/11/22 – “Back Attack” – Many Angles For Training The Back :

The one thing I’d say is advantage to a commercial gym over home based, park based, even strongman gym based (to some degree – despite atlas stones) training is the sheer quantity of options for angles whilst training back.

Yeah, you can do some pullups, a bunch of band pull aparts, and get real creative with dumbbell and barbell options – it’s still simpler to jump on a bunch of machines and use the cables as conventionally or unconventionally as you want.

(In addition to barbell pulls, pullups, preferably weighted, and dumbbell options.)

I miss the seated row, and I miss the concept2 erg.

Even with my current economics the $1045 price tag sounds more and more reasonable.

I always believed there to be some hypertrophy stimulus from the rowing erg – it’s not “just” a cardio machine.

Notably I’ve seen a bodybuilder type use a ski erg as a triceps tension exercise one arm at a time.

not exactly what I described above

Two more things equipment wise – 7ft 45lb axles and 7ft 45lb ez curl bars.

I know both to be in existence, though they both should be, and are not, a common sight.

This society, in a far more awesome – imaginary utopian version, would have a strongman type gym, culture and equipment, be the norm instead of the mamby pamby no chalk, shoes on, shirt required, mirrors everywhere, pop “music” playing, overly cleaned, to use Brooks Kubik’s term “chrome and fern” type travesties that are common.


Today I did not lift.

I had the time yes, though ended up spending the day with food and a nap.

It’s fucking bullshit how much my psyche has been conditioned to “need” a gym to commute to, to function more powerfully at life.

The yard doesn’t cut it!
Yet The Cold Air Barbell Club is a gift!

I have to make shit happen with it, whatever it is.


Tomorrow I lift, buy groceries, etc.

My psyche has this deep yearning to do “bodybuilder” properly.

My take that is.
(Natural, “powerbuilding”, a bunch of unconventional training with it – weighted pushups, every strongman implement, etc)

Persistence & Tenacity

The Cold Air Barbell Club Is A Gift :

The Cold Air Barbell Club Is A Gift :

An indoor with a level floor, well equipped gym, with people, training partners and shit…well that’d be too easy.

The Cold Air Barbell Club doesn’t have any of that.

The Cold Air Barbell Club is 500lbs, an extra barbell, a rickety adjustable squat/bench stand, and flimsy bench.

A piece of particle board and pair of rubber patio tiles.

A breeze can be ac, sometimes you’d rather it without.

The heater is hoodie, little black winter gloves, and skull cap.

Bluetooth headphones connected to the cellphone connected to my wifi – the skull cap goes over them, looks like a cossack’s hat, that’s the only way summer or winter to keep the headphones on.

Headphones? That’s coddled.

Truth is The Cold Air Barbell Club is a gift.

I’m the one out of a thousand that consistently lifts with my circumstance!

Drop a 300lb weight set in the yard.
Make it work!

Heck, I did you a favor – no commute, no monthy $$$, (sadly) none of the following :

none of the above are to be found lifting a barbell outdoors standing on particle board as it is 20° and snowing 🙂

The motivation is entirely internal!

1000 excuses, then you override with that 1 reason!

And you do what you must.

With circumstances where you have to have drive – you have to have drive!

There’s vitamin d, fresh air – you’re still a lifter.

Get a pump, build your 1rm, while as you do so…

Love the setup and breakdown – savor it. Overcome those little nags tempting you to not lift.

The logistics are perfect!

Carve some time out of your week, get your lift on.

The Cold Air Barbell Club is a gift.

December 2022 Flow – 12/9/22 – Thinking On Deadlifts – The SLDL Reps & A Pump :

Anything you can pull sldl you can, by default, pull conventional.

I prefer the sldl, and am all for using it as the primary.

To me the deadlift is best done, in no particular order, as an sldl, a snatch grip sldl, or as a snatch grip deadlift.

I too prefer an axle to a barbell.

Treat the movement as a health lift moreso than as a lift.

I suggest only pulling double overhand.

Deadlifting in the smith machine, when I hit my power clean PR, and a 30 rep deadlift phase all have taught me the value of light to moderate loads.

In the smith machine with just insane levels of muscular activation, really locked in – letting the frame work for me – going with it – allowing me to pull firstly backwards and secondly upwards, again just locked in being one with the machine…I pulled my first 495 deadlift in years (raw, mixed, conventional) after anywhere from 3-15 sets of 2-4 reps at, I kid you not, generally 2p, maybe 2p10, sometimes 1p25, firing everything so hard that I’d be damn near falling over, looking punch drunk, appearing out on my feet from the thing.

Power cleaning 275 for the first time was done after lots of crisp singles at 225lbs, a moderate load.

Firstly I pulled 30 reps at a weight in as few sets as possible.

Once I pulled it as a straight set I upped the weight a little.

This is an amazing approach all around – strength, endurance, work capacity, fitness.

A guideline for what I’m starting with a 205lb sldl right now.

I’d been needing more pulling than just a clean into my press sets.

There is no reason not to have pull centric lifting programing.

As I intend to be sldl centric, the front squat is a good idea as the sldl is a more posterior chain deadlift variant – conventional makes use of more legs.

And again – pull double overhand.

though when you’re as strong as paul anderson you can pull however you damn well please

Persistence & Tenacity

the hu – wolf totem

December 2022 Flow – 12/8/22 – No Longer Habit Forming & No Longer A Compulsion :

Late last night, in the 11 o’clock hour, I did two things :

At about 1115pm I did a bunch of pushups, around 85 total, enough volume for the reps to be a struggle, enough to have my heart racing, enough to be gasping for air, and also to have a good pump.

An extreme euphoria from it all.

Even on days off I smash, at least some, pushups, while lately I have been getting very good pumps from doing so.

It’s a great habit, I suggest you too do your daily PT.


As I wrote yesterday, 2022 has been – looking at the positive, a massive lesson in forgiving myself my sins, learning to chill/relax, and to rid myself of compulsive behaviors.

Yesterday I masturbated a bit before 11am.

Not requiring myself to shave.

Yesterday I watched, from about 5pm-8pm, a movie and some television.

I too spent about an hour and a half watching youtube, in two half hour to forty five minute chunks, one early afternoon, one late evening.

Call that four to five hours of “television” on the day, which is typical american consumption patterns.

I never did strictly define whether I considered “television” (movies/television/youtube) a shaving offense like both masturbation and porn had been for two years the former, six years the latter.


Then I chose to partake in something, and to enjoy doing so…

This had the potential to really mess with me.

Can I forgive myself?

Will I ignore any compulsion I may feel to shave?

I chose to watch porn.

Then set an “I’m not masturbating, nor watching past midnight” line in the sand.

I was in lust

I kept to that roughly half hour of porn.

I did not masturbate.


There were lessons applied today :

•forgive myself
•ignore compulsions should they arise
•set the sin/vice/time waste as “not habit forming”
•if you give into the flesh – move on with a snap of the fingers
•still exercise willpower
•live in the moment, the past is dead
•take positive action


feel his comforting presence

Lord, I pray for strength, guidance, to be a better man, for opportunity, and the ability to take them.

Thank you.

Persistence & Tenacity

jelly roll – son of a sinner

December 2022 Flow – 12/7/22 – “Even On An Off Day” :

Even on an off day, I still do my pushups.

The plan for eating may not have happened, the lifting may not have happened, but the pushups still did.

Every day. Every day. Every day.
Every day!

I genuinely don’t know that I couldn’t.
It’s been integrated into me for so long.


What has been the lesson of 2022?
To forgive yourself.

I learned it again this morning, without having caved to that desire for porn – upon sleeping in, I masturbated upon rising, minutes before 11am.

For about two years I’d been shaving if I masturbated.

In December of both last year and the year before, I lost my beard, both times 4-6months worth, with that very compulsion.

Right now, just having passed 10 weeks worth, is the longest it’s been this year as between a lack of discipline and a lot of compulsion I’d been mostly at 2-3 weeks of stubble, shave, repeat all year.

For six years I’d been shaving if I watched porn.

The compulsions grew, eventually it became shaving 24 hours after the violation with a brand new razor.

10 weeks ago when I shaved last it was not with a new razor, and while I remember this I broke the compulsion.

Today I’ve chosen that I’m not going to shave for having masturbated once in the last 70-72 days.

Tonight I’m going to buzz my head, and shape the beard some – make myself look better – not punish myself.

It makes little sense to start back at day 0, clean shaven – generally it’s better when I have a beard.

If God forgives us all, why shoot yourself in the foot with unnecessary self inflicted punishment?

Doing so is the wrong path.

Dude, chill. You’re on “uptime” so much, relax a bit – EVERYONE says you’re intense.

Repent. Move on.
You’re a sinner. We all are.
Be your best. Be the best you can be.

God has already forgiven you.
Make the most of your life.


Persistence & Tenacity