Trap Supersets : Going Dumb

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I remember doing this a few years back on my “retard strength Saturdays™” (there’s something to expand there) at the commercial gym, and as part of last weekend’s marathon session did it again.

The trapezius superset that only those willing to get ugly will do :

1. Shrugs – strapped up, as heavy as possible, with body English.
2. Oly variant – heavy enough to be some doubts as to your ability to get under the bar, but doable, I usually power snatch.

All out heavy shrug set with straps, drop the straps, snatch 1-5 reps, repeat.

You dig deep to pull the olys.
It’s a solid superset.

Prison Fitness 405

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Date Irrelevant

What if…

You have nothing.

Zero equipment.
Not even a pullup bar, tree, anything to hang from.

How would this even be possible? It’s worst case scenario shit.
As an American? Florence, CO. The Supermax. You’ve got a doozy of a federal sentence.

Will you be capable of being in shape?

Diets gonna be not so ideal. Would you even be allowed commissary ramen there?

Still. You. Fit Or Not?
Are you capable, competent, driven?

I can tell you this, I wouldn’t lose an iota of strength. Some size? Maybe. I’d probably be closer to military weight regs than 50lbs or more over, but I wouldn’t lose an iota of strength.

Pushups, horse stance, and bodyweight squats daily. Headstands too.

I’d flex for the rest of my body.

Cardio? Mix everything together.
Jumping jacks superset with everything.

Can’t forget the prison stereotypical burpee.

With zero equipment there are ways to build strength, and wind. Both. Together or separately.

Worst case scenario I’d still be just as strong, maybe even better!

Struggle strengthens.

Persistence & Tenacity

The Anabolic Breakfast Cereal Bowl

Friday I’d done deadlifts. Come early AM Saturday I was ravenous. I decided to lay off the strict 4pm-8pm feeding window, and found myself at the kitchen table for practically a midnight snack (1am).

Firstly the right training will demand calories. 1am, my body was demanding to be fed for the afternoon before’s session.

Being I’ve been fasting since the country closed down I haven’t done this in more than a month.

However, this is a regular way for me to refeed. In the last year this is my manner of getting in more calories when necessary.

It’s times like that, where in the middle of the night I’ll eat my take on the standard american breakfast…the bowl of cereal.

This is well thought out, eating prior to sleep makes the meal more anabolic, sumo 101, eat then sleep, bodybuilders will do it too.

It’s two ingredients :

•corn cereal
•heavy cream

I use rease’s puffs cereal or corn pops, usually the chocolate and peanut butter though.

I’ve found of all grains, processed corn, to be the most anabolic.
Almost two years ago the discovery came alongside eating grits at night.

Heavy cream is mostly saturated fat from a dairy source, it’s about as anabolic a thing as it gets.

Saturated fat consumption kicks hormone production into overdrive, combine this with the right training stimulus.

Corn fed, milk drinking good ole boys have a reputation for being big strong and tall offensive lineman.
I may not have grown up on a farm, though coincidentally I have a glass of milk with the bowl.

Follow that nutrition style, and take advantage of the american grocery supply chain food processing industry cornucopia.

It’s multiple servings of corn cereal, often fully a cup (8oz) of cream, and a glass (12-14oz) of milk alongside.

•800 calories cream.
•225 calories milk.
•A few servings cereal ~500 calories

This is one serving.

Easily 1500 calories in a sitting, if not over 2000.

It depends on if there are multiple bowls or glasses. Often I’ll eat some slices of american cheese with it. The whole thing is ease of prep alongside anabolic nutrition.

You’ll get that in mixed macros between corn and dairy.

This is how one gets or stays big.
It’s not rocket science, it’s the principles of sumo 101 overlaid with an american grocery store.

I know a lot of smaller fit dudes who will end the day with this calorie intake spread out, whereas I do it in one nutritionally sound big middle of the night go.

Good enough big eating is quite simple.

8 Hour Arms? No, Legs ; 8 Hour Legs : An Idea

The Grinch got an idea, an awful idea, the Grinch got a wonderful awful idea. – The Narrator “How The Grinch Stole Christmas”

Sometimes ideas, devious ideas, wonderful awful ideas (use the voice), pop into my mind.

Usually in the bathroom for whatever reason. This was a teeth brushing eureka moment a couple days back.

I’ve been doing some overhead squats lately, I’ve also been riding my bike a little.

The two and horse stance have done my legs good in a brief period of time.

My pastime at present is sitting outside reading.

I’m always thinks about lifting, training, and generally when I think of sports it’s ones that are followed by precisely almost no one.

After biking full speed maybe .225 miles up a small incline the other day, liking the wind effect, then biking a steeper hill and liking the muscular effect, I had sprint cycle on my mind.

As I’ve been doing them, high rep overhead squats have been on my mind.

Somehow this got crossed with the idea of 8 hour arms.

Not exactly the same manner.

So it’s 16 mini sessions, at the top of the hour and at the half hour marks.

Here’s what I picture :

•high rep overhead squat set
•bike sprint – it’s just shy of a ¼ mile to a stop sign

So I’d have 16 mini sessions, in the yard, and biking in the road, spending a day training, and lounging around at home.

The day would end up something like 400+ reps on the overhead squat, with just under 4 miles of all out sprint speed biking.

And since I’d said to my buddy how if we were to do it, I’d not take protein shakes, I just eat a bunch of pb&j (though cans of chicken/tuna would be more congruent with the intended spirit of the thing). So there’s that too.

Bacon is the best preworkout, so it’d be the best eating choice for this.

However I’d likely do it with as little in me as possible, likely fasting as that’s what I’ve been doing lately.

I don’t know that I’d trust myself with stimulants. If I did…hyphy mud, instant coffee in dollar store or walmart generic cola, or if splurging in cherry pepsi.
I’m not drinking a bang energy drink ever again.

It’s an idea what with being unemployed while everything is corona closed.

If this was done at a gym I’d suggest very heavy front squat partials, sets of 8-20, and the same bike sprint whether indoor or out.
Don’t use a recumbent bike!

Persistence & Tenacity

It’s Easy! : & On The Opposite Of Hardgainers – The Easy Gainer

It’s easy!

The diet, the workouts, the process, it’s your perception of difficulty that defines it’s truth.

It’s easy!

That’s how I look at it.

If you’re lying to yourself of the difficulty…so what it’ll become so.

Hard…or easy? You’re lying to yourself. Lie to yourself in a manner that’s beneficial, constructive to self.

The difference between being a hardgainer and an easygainer is in the mindset taken.

When you’ve got the proper frame of mind of course it’s easy.

Potential is limitless.

My mental agreement (with myself) is that anything, everything, even doing nothing works effectively.

I can go do whatever (anything, everything, even nothing), and be set.

The only reason you’re a hard gainer is because you think you are.

It’s not hard to be a machine. Have an iota of discipline? All you do is make the decision to do it, bam! You’re a machine.

Gains can come extraordinarily fast.

The reason they don’t is a lack of belief.

Fuck your science, fuck your forum questions, just go train! Train!

Without preconceived limits there is none! There is none!

People thinking of themselves as a hardgainer is a problem, but ; but it’s not your problem.

“I’m an easy gainer.”

Say it.

“I’m an easy gainer.”

Think on it’s truth a moment.
Quiet. Reflecting. The truth.

“I’m an easy gainer. Anything I do, everything I do, even doing nothing, of course I progress, I’m an easy gainer.”

Repeat that as mantra.

I’m built like a beast. It’s in me, it’s in you. Lose the mental baggage.
You CAN do it, CAN!

Can! Can! Can!

Why? Cause I’m an easy gainer, and so are you.

Persistence & Tenacity

Dense Legs, Crazy Time Under Tension : Leg Statics

You can build dense powerful athletic legs, in a short period of time, while racking up serious time under tension by doing leg static holds.

While you could use yoga postures, simulate the split from olys, or do something like a side kick hold from martial arts, the most useful and most beneficial overall is either the wall sit or the horse stance.

Both have their pros and cons.

Wall sit feels like it’s building more explosive jumping ability, and an underlay of an endurance component.

Horse stance feels more like a max strength builder with the explosive and endurance factors underlying.

They’re both pretty well rounded and accessible.

I tend to wall sit in public while wearing shoes.

Horse stance I’m barefoot, rare is the time I wear socks, if not fully naked (usually I’m naked) in my bedroom. I often do it before laying down.

Now I like 3:00 in posture daily as a minimum PT requirement. I’ve been doing this without exception all year if not longer.

However sometimes I throw in a wild card. I’ll go to 5:00 time under tension, even 10:00 total, it’s been as high as 20:00 on wall sits before.

Now this isn’t one set. It’s getting there as fast as possible, and trying to keep work to rest at a 1:1 ratio at the most. I don’t want to lollygag.

A recent time through this was 5:00 of horse stance in under 15 minutes with a piss break 3:00 in.

I try to average 1:00 or better per hold throughout. Close to that 1:00 per set minimum is a day where I’m generally more fatigued than usual. If I can go better I do.

Give this a try. You’ll be huffing and puffing by the time you’re done – cardio stimulus. Your legs will be well worked, activated, maybe a little tight, but not stiff, while still feeling fresh.

This does not take much out of you.
Day after day, even two a days, is not an issue.

Do it, and once you’ve completed 5:00+…

Stand in victory pose, you’ve earned it.

This has been a very rewarding practice for me.

Persistence & Tenacity

Judd Reid 100 Man Kumite Documentary

Often the front page of youtube, even the recommended videos on a video, it’s all garbage.

I have no interest in them…

But sometimes, just sometimes, the algorithm shows signs of intelligence.

I’d heard the name Judd Reid before, knew that sometime in the last decade he’d done a 100 man kumite.

A documentary was made :

I liked it.

If you’re going to watch something, watch something with purpose.

That was inspirational. Makes me want to start kicking the bag again.
It did get me to go and punch for a round.

Man needs challenge.

Don’t Discuss Hollywood “Fact” Or Sports Stat

As a Man you don’t discuss hollywood trivia or sports stats.
It’s conduct unbecoming. You don’t care an iota over such things.

Spectators discuss that shit, if you really need to, you may as well just go full cuckold since spectation is what you like to do.

I have a strong distaste to males discussing such things, it has long been above my disgust threshold, pinged my disgust radar.

Nor do I like females puking out info of the same note.

The products of hollywood only matter to those with a nothing life, no purpose, nothing.

Both sexes have better to do.

You’re content to discuss people you don’t know, will never meet, and that honestly shouldn’t even enter your mind?

That’s a problem whether male or female. Everyone is capable of better things.

Kids eventually grow out of shit like that, and frankly you as an “adult” shouldn’t have surrendered their youth like that when you should know better.

Some kids mature to adults, some stay immature in the suspended animation of spectation.

That turn likely happens between teenage and mid 20s. Though regardless, if you haven’t, the time is now!

The males obsessing over “their” team, watching porn while no longer a teenager, caring about marvel movie #3872…it’s stunted growth.

The female parallel is needing drama, not manufactured fake drama irrelevant to life, but the natural drama that comes with raising one’s own flesh and blood, then eventually more of the same with grandkids.

I thought puberty and maturation into manhood rid one of such things (spectation). That not happening is the stunting of the maturation.

I see so many resigned to and caring about the television.
Me? I’d rather do stuff.

Dodging the television makes your mind your own.

The haze disapates, you start to think, you start to see.

The world opens up facing your own thoughts, breathing the fresh air, the truth is seen.

Flow : Childhood Nutrition & Human Potential

From what I’ve seen with my own eyes it’s very obvious that men of all races have the potential to be in the “6′ club”.

I don’t think it’s just the genetic outliers amongst the shorter races either, I think it’s within the genetics of every man regardless of race…I think it’s mostly a function of childhood nutrition.

Two big subsequent factors :

1. Breast fed by healthy woman/women.
2. Eating animal protein.

A now defunct blog once stated, and I paraphrase ; “we had some 6’3″ jacked afghani danny trejo looking interpreters who’d spend their free time benching, curling, and looking angry, the difference between them and the malnourished afghanis was their families had had money, they were the rich kids who had grown up regularly eating lamb”.

I’ve met plenty of thais and chinese born in america nearing the 6′ mark at athletic 180-190lbs.

(I’m disregarding that some, not nearly all, were half white.)

I’m met a million tall hispanics.

A cool elderly brazilian I know had the height growing up in the favela on beans, rice, and some chicken, his son born in america had height…and weight.

Those who’d be short outside america can grow tall here with our nutrition, those who had the height in the foreign country…their kids grow tall and big.

That 5 foot nothing 110lb or less 60 something filipino I spoke to in cali 2018, it’s amazing how well he grew large 100% filipino blood sons using america’s cornucopia of red meat.

“When I get to america I eat meat. I feed my sons meat, plenty meat.” – the tiny 60 something filipino.

Upon deeper questioning he had mostly rice, some vegetables, and barely knew the taste of chicken in the philippines. This changed when he got to america, and stereotypically got a job as a cook in the military. He made a point to feed his sons as well as possible here, basically reverse engineering how he had eaten growing up. He did not consider fish or chicken meat. He meant red meat, and in his lunch box (amongst other things) was a giant tupperware container holding what I eyeballed as a kilo of large cubed chili colorado.

Access to red meat is a commonality I’ve found in growing large humans.

The samoans I lived next to in vegas, oddly all the men were about 5’9″, and the women 5’9″ to 6’1″.

They lived off of barbeque and booze as far as I could tell without exception. They were all athletic, and probably half of the adults stocky.

(Best bbq chicken I’ve had to my recollection.)

Now even when you don’t get the red meat childhood nutrition, which basically fixes your height wherever it’s gonna be (and some still get lucky and get to 6’+), you can still muscle up significantly in adulthood.

At the super low end everyone can become built in a way that maxes out their allowed weight as per military weight regs.

That’s about 205lb/93kg at 6′, or the equivalent. And this is the low end.

People can outgrow their “natural” bodyweight. The only group of people that will sometimes admit this are fighters.

(Hence the ideal “natural” weight is basically what you fight at/walk around at if you don’t have a huge weight cut. I’m not talking natural in the ped sense at all here.)

That natural weight is how you end up with a muscular guy that has a head that seems too small, and a neck undersized compared to the rest of him.

Dudes with george lopez sized heads and the muscular neck to match regardless of what they do, they are the naturally large framed.

Ideal when you have a small skull is what you find amongst heavier olympic wrestlers…a rugged small frame, well muscled, but the neck developed to where it’s thicker than the head.

Human potential to get big is limitless.

You can get heavier than what you should fight at without being a fat fuck! No peds used.

Bad childhood nutrition may rob you of reaching 6′, but good adult nutrition can grow you to the top end of athletic bodyweight at a minimum, and up to sumo if you eat up all out ridiculous.

Wholesome food, and some physical stimuli does you good.

You have limitless potential!
You could have zero equipment ever, and be the best built person around, super strong, and super athletic, just training with the right mindset.

It comes down to what you believe.
What you say is possible. What you say isn’t. What you accept, and what you define as reality.

I’ll never get a training injury. I know it for what it is ; an impossibility!

Whatever I do, I get stronger. Why? Cause strength is natural!

I’m getting better as I age!
Leaner every year, and my wind is coming back!

Persistence & Tenacity

Effort & Mindset : Forget The Science

I was reading a diet book the other night. I’d known of it for years, even implemented some of it’s principles absorbed through reading of it, but not reading it itself.

I’m a quick reader, it was not heavy reading, and for the most part I skimmed it, as a way to relax before bed.

What I already had known of the book, was the info I had needed, and already have. Reading the book itself? There was a lot of science talk, too much so, and I as the reader was concluding from the pages, that building muscle is this needing everything diet and training lined up perfectly complicated thing.

I thought to myself, “how is the author built again”, and was thinking back to about 14 when I thought it all seemed so complicated, and just put in effort…

That’s what you need! You don’t need science! Talking science is prone to make you beleive, and wrongly so, that you need perfect training, perfect nutrition, perfect supplementation, and timing it all perfectly to gain an oz of muscle. That couldn’t be further from the truth!

Often the strongest, most musclular, the most enduring, those with the highest physical performance are not paying heed to science. Instead of paying heed to “science”, a belief system of overanalyzation, and limitation, they’re out there training hard.

Don’t underestimate training hard!

Training hard, truly hard, in a way that everyone on the outside views you as batshit insane, and you may find yourself in agreement…that’s where progress well past science comes in.

Science is overthinking, and overthinking is the culprit causing a dearth of muscle heads in society.

Any lunatic disregarding science, and pushing feverishly forward to make gains so quickly that everyone else says it is impossible? He’s the guy who’s gonna be gaining far past “natural limitation” (it’s pathetic how seriously low “science” draws this line) at a speed even those on steroids are going to be making steroid accusations.

(P.S. There’s nothing like someone on steroids accusing the one not on of being on. Hilarious!)

To make huge gains you don’t need anything other than yourself.

The right mindset and the right thoughts ALLOW you to break what are considered to be scientifically proven limits. I’ve seen the laws of thermodynamics seemingly be broken. Nothing is more powerful than the mind! Nothing!

A Heinlein book, Stranger in a Strange Land, has the main character think himself muscular in an extraordinarily short amount of time, so fast that a doctor in the story was going “what trickery have you used, what training, what drugs”, to the answer “nothing special, I thought it so”.

When you view impressive physicality as what is natural, take the actions, and view success as a given, you’re gonna progress, progress fast.

So where you are, decide right now, that you’re gonna progress, and no nothing can tell you different.

The gym is closed right now, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Going without for a few weeks has gotten my proper training mindset back!

I have everything I need, I’ll be going back to the gym more yolked, leaner, and with the mindset to match.

Persistence & Tenacity