Your Accepted Mental Contract In The Gym

So much of how the gym goes for you comes down to the mental contract you accept…ie your beliefs.

Do you believe you can get big?

Do you believe you can lean out?

Is strength loss a guarantee on a cut?

Is fat accumulation guaranteed on a bulk?

How fast does strength or the wind improve?

What is high reps?

What’s high volume?

How much sleep is necessary?

Are people cool on average or assholes on average?
Can you work in?
Is it acceptable to talk to the cute fit college chick, or the shockingly well build milf?

Are gains a given? Easy to come by?

Is losing gains a guarantee without gym access, a certain piece of equipment, or because of forced time off, et al?

Just how important is postworkout nutrition? How about pre or peri?

For that matter, how much does eating…bu dum chi, matter?

What’s high calorie? What’s low calorie?

Do you need supplements? If so which ones? How much of it/them?
None at all?

Do your clothes matter?

Is it better to train with a partner, partners or solo?

Will you make do with the one(s) not your ideal?

Preworkout? Coffee? Zilch?

Do you ask to work in?
Do you offer the work in?

Are you cool to staff?
Do you ignore them?

Do you ask questions?
If asked a question do you give an honest answer?

Are you willing to teach what you know? Mini personal trainer like moment, yea or nea, when it arises?

How capable are you of working around…whatever.

Is the gym joyous, fun, monotonous, drudgery?

Answer these questions, and those like them. Define what mental contract you accept, and how it affects your gym & co.
