11/24/23 – One Bell, Clean & Press Every Rep Style Density Training Is The Simplest, Minimalistic, Effective Method :

While I don’t think it’ll be keto, partly as it’s the holiday season and mom will probably make me another giant batch of cookies round christmas 🙂 (72ct), right now my ideal food is fried eggs, preferably with multiple meats in it.

Being a big guy, with a big appetite, meal prep is somewhat of an annoyance.

I’ve never really done it, generally cooking and eating my day’s food each day, but figuring out the logistics instead of cooking 9, 12, 12+ eggs (total) once or twice a day…it’d be nice to have a bunch cooked in bulk.

Preferably not making round after round after round in a pan.

I figure in the oven I could cook a ham, then some pounds of chicken breast, cube the ham, cube the chicken breast…

It’d be real nice to cook something like fried eggs in the oven.

What exactly is quiche?
You must be able to cook eggs in bulk in a big sheet/pan.

I google search it.

I was thinking it, and the search revealed people have done it before…sheet baking eggs in the oven.


How would I go about filling the oven with like two pans, all the cubed meat mixed into like 100ct eggs.

I’m thinking deep wall glass pans. What are those called casserole dishes?

That’d be my week’s protein/meat/eggs… mostly at least.


The above is the most accessible, most all around, effective, and minimalistic weights workout.

One heavy bell.
Clean and press.
Switch hands.
Til the timer goes off.

I’m thinking tomorrow, much the same, but with a barbell – probably 185lbs…

You do enough work like this, well at 185lbs the clean and press both are light…

Once you reach enough volume in the brief period, from there you up it 5lbs, 10lbs, maybe twenty, and repeat the process.

Once the work is plenty sense you up the weight again.

Maybe you’ll never know your 1rm this way, but you’ll sure raise your strength ceiling, you WILL pass your current max, and the way I do this is without warm ups.

It’s a real walk around strength.

Persistence & Tenacity