11/22/23 – Today My 40kg Kettlebell Arrived :

Now it’s evening, and I’m getting in my first real meal of the day…

Eight eggs, four hotdogs, something like eight sausage links, and a similar amount by volume of frozen chicken breast strips.

Microwave the frozen two for about two minutes, then into the pan.

Today I did need to add a little butter – the pork breakfast sausage dripping not quite enough, so after the hot dogs had a nice browning, these meats all chopped up nicely, a bit of butter, and crack the eggs into the pan it goes.

I may eat half I ate the whole thing.
Other than this meal, with no one doing anything for thanksgiving, no gatherings this year – ahead of time my mom had given me a bunch of batches of cookies.

(I’m talking like 72ct of homemade cookies.)

So today I ate five cookies and a glass of milk before the kettlebell arrived, and now to end the day I’m eating this real meal with a drizzle of ketchup, a glass of milk, after a handful of “I’m hungry NOW” cookies after the kettlebell.

(Maybe I’m back to egg focused eating for power again, could be day 1 of another run – we’ll see. Also +4 cookies more, another glass of milk later, two cans of iced tea – one with dinner, one late night- I love those things.)


I did better with the bell than I’d expected.
I knew I’d make the right hand snatch, wasn’t certain for it with the left, but thought maybe three ish presses with the right, maybe one ish with the left – possibly zero, surprising myself with 10r/4l, knew I’d make the turkish get up, then a little later went back and snatched the bell for reps.

the snatch each side, strict press for reps, and that singular 40kg turkish get up

5r/3l snatches

I’m real pleased to have this bell…
It opens up ease for frequency training, lots of density training opportunity, opportunity to film, opportunity to train in the dark, off camera, etc and frankly I can be real good at the kettlebell real quick from where I’m at.

I could see it being my living both through content and via personal training/instructing.

No. Confidence.

trc – define cocky

I’ve put so much into the gym, it’s time to have it all come together and go my way.
Frank Sinatra.


Cool, saw the 72nd subscriber came in on the snatch short above.

Late night, there’s a bit of doms/soreness/activation in my traps, biceps, the middle of my upper back, low back is a tad sore, and I just felt joy playing with that bell earlier today – really saw myself getting strong, while lean but stocky muscled, fit with it.

Jogged about the yard a bit, had the urge to run joyously.

I see good things comin.

Keep doing my thing man, keep doing my thing.

Persistence & Tenacity