11/19/23 – Pulled The Trigger – Just Purchased A 40kg Kettlebell :

And make a certain purchase…


Last night I did some turkish getups with the 20kg bell, figured I’d practice the steps to not be so bumbling next time I go for a heavy one with stacked/double/two bells.

(forgive me ; I don’t know the exact kettlebell cool kid yuppie club parlance for using two bells in one hand)

Having tinkered through the form, I feel I’ll make the up and down the next time I try 48kg and/or 52kg with my 32 and either a 16 or 20 respectively.

The weak link is my shoulder shaking all over the place in the phase where you’re going from laying to lunge.

That midstage.

Without bumbling that, I feel I have it.

Eventually, well I’d like to do this movement with people as weight.


Cool, order confirmed – I just paid for a 40kg kettlebell.

Call it an early christmas present to me from me.

Call it an investment.

Call it a toy.
Call it a tool.

Call it strength and conditioning in one portable package, useful for what I am going for.


I’m excited, it’s gonna help with my barbell clean and press, it’ll be challenging but doable, travelable.

The kettlebell is density training defined, and I’ll be basing my work off the clean and press, with some front squats too.

One bell at 40kg, and yeah – I’ll do a slightly overweight Sig Klein challenge mismatch with the 32 and 40.

Did I say I’m excited.

Lots of reps of clean and press coming up…

I think I’ll do daily 5:00 amap videos, kettlebell mostly, some burpees mixed in I’m sure.

Become a conditioned beast!

Again, did I say I’m excited…

I’m actually getting a pump, a physical upper back and lat, kb oap type pump just thinking about getting my hands on it.


Basically as soon as it arrives I’m going to snatch it right, clean and press attempt left (press for reps if possible), and clean and press it right (press for reps), snatch attempt left – back to back to back to back.


Yep, too much coffee milk yesterday (again), I’m still up – 6am, so it’s food time.

Two egg and meat sandwiches, a bowl of m&ms, milk.

I’m not so against chocolate.
It’s really sugar (energy) with dairy (nutrition), it tastes good, makes you feel good from dopamine.

There’s no reason in my eyes to vilify chocolate.


730ish I finally fall asleep, wake up twice, once about 1030, my 1130 alarm my “final call – you’re getting out of bed NOW” alarm.

That last hour was deep sleep, I’m amazed how it felt given the briefness.

Awoke to this ;

had to laugh


The wind is whipping, I’m exhausted… calling the audible is to sleep a few hours of the early afternoon, then I relaxed by watching some popeye (good for a laugh), “okay, almost 4pm, it’s gonna take FOREVER to upload, so might as well…

The heavy barbell ideas are out the window, way too tired, low energy, somewhat stiff…I do what ends up being a ten minute video, doing a workout that is a mix of both kinda lazy, and challenging at the same time.

One bell, the 32kg…
Reverse ladder 10-1 by 1s/side…

It was not as easy as I’d expected.
Got it done. Felt a million times better after the workout (which is their best benefit).

Had a few egg sandwiches with a fork and knife, some cranberry bread and some cookies both given to me in holiday spirit, and a couple glasses of milk.

Something is wrong with how slowly videos upload for me while at home. Gonna have to either just not use my phone half the day as I make more frequent and long videos while letting them upload, or figure out what exactly is going on.


Now today’s video was filmed late, and as said above took FOREVER to upload, normally I put videos live at hour or half hour marks, this not going live til after 8pm, I just set to to public during upload, whatever time it may be.

804pm or so it went live, I actually napped the last hour and change of upload time, woke up to it being live for a few minutes.

Now I titled it and described it accurately, put in a bunch of related hashtags, but it has to be uploaded for tags – I did not use tags.

It looks like it’s doing well regardless, gained a sub, a comment from someone new, a couple likes out of only a few views.

Maybe that’s my format ; unabridged, honest effort outdoor/backyard clean and press based workouts – whether it’s talking during breaks or working straight through an interval.

Monetized requires certain amounts of watch time/views as well as either a 500 or a 1000 subscriber count.

I’m at 70, it’s a small percentage of to there, but I just laugh at myself ; thus far this month I’ve gained more subscribers than days in the month so far, and keep thinking ;

Since creating this channel I’ve been a member at three gyms. One I didn’t film at, and the place is pretty popular as far as those with instagram followings – great atmosphere on it’s gym floor, a bodybuilding place where people were both friendly yet also kept their heads down and put in work.

I never had access to what was likely the funniest thing that I think people make content of now…these two fit latinas were doing leg raises, me on the deadlift platform behind them in frame…I realized this and bent rowed to the point I almost passed out as a silly thing/prank/joke since I was in frame.

They never approached me about it, nor did I ever see them again, nor could I find it searching picuki location tag after talking about it later, nor did anyone there bring it forward to me.

Another gym I barely filmed myself at, there’s like three videos here, and honestly I missed something freaky…I was at almost 30 pullups at probably 250lbs, doing well on weighted pullups at all rep ranges, etc.

Que sera sera.

There’s the world of should and the world of is ; live in the this moment – it is, the past is gone, work to the future, that’s what we must.


Had some interaction with the 70th subscriber, a brazilian.

I think it’s mad cool how international this, even at a low level, reaches.

I interact with a croatian in germany regularly.

Today I had interaction with a brazilian in brazil.

The reach is mad cool, as it the realization…these strangers, the world over, value YOU and what you do.


Also cool that august started with 26/27/28 subscribers, gained a few, then september and october were 8 each, this month more subscribers than days thus far.

It’s quadrupled in speed of growth!
A channel live for years, me making excuses instead of content, then I start posting daily and the gears of growth start moving.

Do the work. It’ll work!

Persistence & Tenacity