1/22/23 Journaling – (A Light) “Deadlift Every Day”

Though it’s not how I’m starting the day, I’m looking forward to the light fat grips deadlift later today.

It appears that light volume deadlifts are becoming a daily thing for me – I’m loving them, and they’re truly a “health lift” leaving you feeling great.


•egg salad on toast


Woke up not feeling strongly any compulsion to shave for watching a movie last night.

At around midnight, it could’ve been on either side, I thought to myself “if I’m against watching television (every form), would I be against watching a play” – an interesting train of thought to go down, one I’d not though of before.

I have a handful of fond memories of going to plays with my father when I was around 6 years old – getting churros or something from a street vendor outside the venue of a christmas play downtown during the intermission

My conclusion right now is that watching a play would be acceptable, that though still spectation it’s doing something in real life, probably with your people or in support of your people while every form of television is best minimized, and that television really does feel a gateway drug to porn to me.


A few winters back I got very strong with horse stance, this winter’s experiment seem to be the light deadlifts…yet I already know from past experience = it’s working


•two donuts
•iced coffee

CAFFEINED UP! (completely unnecessarily)

•16oz milk
•slice of banana bread


the caffeine…to lift or to nap…


The Following Is The More Awesome Option ;

and ALWAYS take the more awesome option!

had to ice chipper the particle board, and whacked each rubber tile 15x against the tree to clear them, did so equally from left and right – wood chop simulation – a fun new stimulus as discovered yesterday

1st Lift :

Fat Grips Deadlift
48x165lbs in 5:00

mythical strength is right – you have 5:00 –
I did not hit 50+ in 5:00 though, went a little heavier and for a longer time period than initially intended, however that’s fine – I like varying the stimulus a little from day to day – this manner makes a brief time input highly effective

I’ve fallen into a permutation of “deadlift every day”

…half hour later…

2nd Lift :

15×165 sloppy, short of/barely at chin
1:00 rest
6×165 STRICT w/pauses at top & bottom
rest 1:00
4×165 STRICT w/pauses at top & bottom

naught a clean to be found in this session, I only pulled to shoulder via no foot movement heaves

it’s real nice to have weights at home to allow this type of split training period as a regular thing

as time goes on, as conditioning improves condense this

no need to go to the local powerlifting gym – I’m enjoying lifting outside

lifted this time to fun summer country music mostly from a few summers back which brought me back to feeling great a few summers back while listening and lifting and being outgoing

threw in a few bw squats with high squeeze at the end, really daydreaming of the kettlebell to use here


I expect improvement in body composition as performance on the density work, on isabel, on pullups/pullups related work goes up


That Wes Watson mantra “life happens for me” is a more positive interpretation (language matters) of “everything happens for a reason”.

“Life happens FOR me” is making it so that everything happens in your favor whereas the more nonspecific “happens for a reason” isn’t telling you why, while FOR ME clearly states the reason, for you, to help you, to your advantage.


•small steak sandwich w/fries
•bowl of cereal
•slice of pizza

steak sandwich may be up again later this week, I’ve got steak, I’ve got fajita veggies, american cheese


Pushups :
40 total today, I’m more into strict than woody woodpecker right now – triceps obviously worked with the earlier presses


If I’m getting into volume deadlifts, the reps increasing per set and per density period as I get better…

It makes sense to squat high reps again.

The kettlebell is scheduled to arrive in a few days, that opens up light front squats with no logistical consideration so, but…

Maybe I’ll start back squatting again.
I never did get to 50xbw, having stopped at 50×195 weighing 225 at the end of high school.


We’re going back to the “life happens for me” note.

In preschool, southern california, late 90s, I believe there were some christian scientists, maybe an offshoot, in the class – their parents very laissez faire about their kids playing near train tracks had many other mothers aghast…

I once ticked off the pastor of a church my aunt went to by interpreting a video he played for us of a priest? (it was church of england in the video) as arguing for reincarnation on earth, me seeing no reason that heaven and hell couldn’t be HERE as another “life” (who’s to say what our definitions are in relation to God’s definitions).

I was finding it interesting reading about christian science and noticing I’d had thoughts in line with their beliefs years ago.

There is no originality in humanity.
We’ve existed long enough that every thought is a repeat of a prior thought.

Faith healing is an interesting subject to ponder.

State can change to the positive with as simple as a deep breath, a change in posture, a smile on your face, the opposites of a blank mind or a thought.

Why must we react a certain way to things?
I’m sure you’ve heard this “the prisoner who is free in his mind”.

There’s a lot of leeway in this world, reality is how we choose to act/react to it.

I’m laying here in bed, typing on this cellphone, hearing the noises around me, deep breaths, a smile on the crease of my lips, thinking about existence, everything, checked in – this section I’m flowing, was tired, now awake with euphoria, deep breath, a smile

I have a different perspective.

Always have. Was always outgroup. Always different. You see it. Listen.

Belief. Action/Reaction. Thought.

Reality is ;

The most powerful knowledge is God created all, and he made life happen for me.


If I was to never make any more “gains” lifting weights, I’d continue to lift anyway – I love the act itself, I enjoy the process. It’s a joyous act I choose to participate in often.

You can think yourself ____. See Stranger In A Strange Land by Robert Heinlein


•chicken quesadillas
•bowl of cereal

In the bathroom mirror before this late meal, I noticed I look a little less fat…frequent deadlift metcons (essentially), and more frequent feedings.


15 more – 55 on the day, the pushups really mixing well with the day’s presses


Persistence & Tenacity