Training More Can Amp You Up To Train More + Today’s Oly Form Work

Today’s Exercises, A Training Anecdote:

Lately I’ve been liking short sessions.

In the midmorning I did some fat grip deadlift singles and some face pulls. Basically a light ass session. The two prior days of volume axle deadlifts had my grip shot.

Note that I still have PT to do later.

Afternoon : I’m at home doing my PT, and hold a 90 second wall sit. This pisses me off as I know I can
hit 2 minutes, I’d aimed too low. Within 5 minutes I was doing another wall sit. I went past the two minute mark and my quads felt dead.

In the last year I’ve shown three people how to power clean. It seems like each time I do (particularly the most recent), I clean up (get it) my form some after having picked up flaws in their form that I do as well.

I picked up some BIG errors I make and have been implementing the corrections (see the last post) with light to moderate weights.

Combine that with dead quads and boredom.

Suddenly a light bulb lights up over my head visible to any who’d only have been looking and my mind is consumed with the thought “violent hip thrust”. It soon adds “once you’ve hit the power position” to it and…

I decide that it’s “double session time, oly form work”.

Apparently wall sits give me insight into improving my clean form and get me amped up to clean.

It went well. I learned to violently hip thrust (hip extension) from the power position and improved on how to more properly set up initially and then get there (into power position) properly.

The entire time listening to My Kinda Party on repeat and near exploding my headphones off my head.

Hell, I even improved (probably due to watching some Ivan Denisov kettlebell video) dropping a jerk back into rack when I jerk the barbell for my mandatory 3+ reps at my clean top set.

Physically a very solid day despite being one that 99% would take off.
