Movement: Newton’s First Law As Applied To Human Ability

Newton’s first law states: ” An object in motion stays in motion, and an object at rest stays at rest”

Observe most humans and see how true it is.

Those who are most active are able to stay active, while those who laze around become more and more prone to sloth.

This can even be what causes a huge difference in the health and physical abilities of people with very close genetics. Lots of bodybuilding authors like to use twins for example, but I’ll use what I’ve personally seen; brothers about a year and a half apart.

One brother started doing track in middle school, and by high school was doing cross country,indoor,and outdoor track. This was in addition to PE, and generally staying on his feet both walking everywhere and for fun.

The second brother on the other hand ate the same way (they both eat garbage in stupid high calorie quantity) but didn’t exercise at all. All he did was watch Family Guy and play Playstation. While his brother walked to school he’d generally take the bus.

One could do around 20 chins, was decent at pushups and could run a ballpark 21 minute 5k, the other was a typical American youth, far weaker than young man was intended to be.

They both are 5’8″ or 5’9″.
One weighs 160, the other 220.

Any guesses as to who is who?

Care to predict which one is going to have health problems later in life?

It’s not hard to be in decent functioning health and shape.

It’s Newton’s first law in play.

Any activity will pay dividends down the road.

With my hurt I’ve taken to walking to keep active. Throughout the day I’ll climb my homes staircase for 5 minutes a session to keep on moving. PT is still doable so that is done as well.

I’m frequently testing range of motion and what does and doesn’t hurt.

Whatever your circumstance keep moving. I’m sure you’ve observed someone get injured (or even only hurt) take to the couch,and become part of it. Don’t let this happen to you.

I’ll paraphrase something I read online, but can’t quote as I no longer recall the source: “If you can’t run, walk,if you can’t walk,crawl, if you can’t crawl, blink. Whatever you do keep training.” I’ll add to this that even one in a wheelchair can still train upper body, just look at what Paralympic benchers can do.
