May 2023 Flow – Today – A Playful Day :


The way I’m using the kettlebell isn’t very rigid.

I do a handful of reps with a violence each set, then I rest.

I’ll go back and forth between the kettlebell and barbell, or I’ll goof around in a step between what I consider work and what I consider rest – a step of playfulness – I’ll do a burpee, I’ll kick into some handstands/handstand attempts, duck walk, cossack dance, do what I think of as the almost stomping heavy footed tribal around the fire/kill/circle dance

It’s all more primal movement.
It all is surprisingly anaerobic.

You’re out of shape.
So am I.

I’m looking for my place.

How I can have the people I want around me around me.

How I can make money, enough to live well.

Where do I need to be?
What do I need to be doing?


As I exercised it was misting to lightly raining.

I’d decided, being a bit grimy from work also factoring in, to exercise barefoot and shirtless.

This in a misty overcast 50°f.

A tad of a shiver as I type.

I’d sat there indian style after the exercise, just breathing, thinking of the above that I desire – just feeling peaceful.

The external world blissfully irrelevant in the moment.

Relisten to a Wim Hof podcast.

Meditating on how to live as an uninhibited, joyous shaman.


What I would give to hear the ubiquitous “what muscle does that train” question, as at this point I’m kettlebell snatch primary for exercises.

Lats. Glutes. Hands. Wind. Lower Back…

It makes sense to me that I’m again bulling my way through 10 pullups, even at this bodyweight in the 290s – the kettlebell trains everything.

I might’ve dropped a pound in the past week.

Kettlebell. Metabolism.

I’m racking up the minisessions. No sooner than I end the session do I feel a whole bunch warmer.

Again – kettlebell metabolism.

I highly suggest one incorporate hard, brief, kettlebell snatch minisessions throughout the day.

What is a few months of this going to do?
I’m expectant. I’m without expectation…
I’m doing.

Persistence & Tenacity

P.S. I don’t have access to, yet daydream of ; this works real well when you’re heavy…

Low rep, lightly weighted pullups.

You build an amazing base for both settings bw amrap PRs and weighted PRs simply doing bunches of sets of 1-3 reps at bw+10 or bw+25, not pushing the pace, and just doing this til it’s stupid easy.

I’d like access to a rig of some sort capable of supporting a 600lb pullup, as it wouldn’t be long for me to hit bw+135 as in the 290s while seriously out of practice I’m beastings 10xbw with muscle memory for weighted pullups when in 2021 in was doing loads of them.

that would do it! how much to buy a forklift to keep in the backyard?