I Don’t Like Rest Periods

Tick tock tick tock…

I’m staring at the wall clock, it’s been less than a minute.

I hate rest periods, you see I came to the gym to do work, not to stand around waiting the proper length of time for my next set.

I almost always stay on my feet between sets…the issue is filling in that 45-120 seconds.

“I took powerlifter length rest periods the other day, I can see the value in training with a crew; then there’s someone to shoot the shit with during those 4-5 minutes” – me

Solitary, training with a partner, or in a packed gym…it doesn’t matter, likewise it doesn’t matter if I talk to others, keep changing the song, stare at the clock, move, bounce around, sit, drink, or pace…

I hate rest periods.

EMOM singles are the simplest thing for me.

“How much longer”, as I’m about to attempt pulling out buzzed short hairs…tick “YYYYEEEAAAAHHHH, GO TIME!”

Density training is literally focused on short rest periods (in a way, you can also just focus on more reps).

My use of no warmups? Likely in part due to the boredom of rest periods.

I can easily fit 3-5 warmups, a few work sets, and a heavier single all in about 10 minutes…using a pace that feels mostly natural.

Rest periods? They suck 99% of the time. Only use them if you want to talk or purposely want to see the extra strength granted by the extra recovery, otherwise I agree with old school bodybuilders…

Shorter rest periods are better.
