Guest Pass At Another Gym + Related Shenanigans Such As Fasting And Feeling On Fire

I’m not sure entirely what caused this, I’d assume a combination of factors.

I had been fasting for ~20 hours, consuming nothing but maybe 64oz water.

The session was moderate volume and relatively heavy.

Deadlift up to a daily max (435 success I barely budged 485 possibly not even broke off floor)

Bench through 315 no problem.
335 I unintentionally pin pressed. The bench had long j hooks, I accidentally pressed the left side of the bar directly into it. The sensation was weird as hell.

Here I am with the bar 99% locked out, it being light in hands and not near failure but for some reason an isometric is happening on the left side while the right side was already fully locked out.

I’m counting this as successful rep, my spotter used his fingers to push my bars path forward an inch(down me) away from the unintentional pin and I finished the rep.

It was the weirdest shaped bench I’ve ever used. Unrack myself and there’s a good chance of hitting unintentional pin press via j hook. Yet I want to unrack myself.

I go for 345 as I had 335 on any other bench… and proceed to hit the bar on the middle set of hooks during the negative (it’s a bench with 3 unrack heights like you’d find in a commercial gym), I restabilize the bar, and fail at a far higher than normal sticking point, nearer lockout instead of off chest.

Ok back to 335 and get hand off as this time I’m so far down bench that an unrack just ain’t happening, there will be no hitting of j hooks either. Done lol, failure at normal point.

“Oh look a slingshot.” Pull it on, get spotter to continue pulling. ” You probably need a bigger size.”, “Yeah!” (picture the lil jon voice which I didn’t do).

With the slingshot on (not low enough I might add as it’s easily a size too small if not 2 sizes) I now hit 315 for 5 failing 6.

Arms are numb. Back to back.

2 awesome machine pulldowns and a machine shrug.

Some supersets some not.

Machine shrug: after 5 reps with 5p a side no straps, I strap up for 2×25. Both sets gave an amazing trap pump and have me feeling like I’m going down.

“My shoulder girdle looks phenomenal” the unconscious dream I could’ve had.

I start playing with this lower back lever machine thing (great good morning variant, like a hands free no quad all posterior rdl but a tad heavier on the lower back).

Fuck I forgot the 10×10 supersets! Pulldown + bench, bodybuilding bullshit I forgot to do, and this gym was perfect for it.

Play with the plate loadable circus dumbbell

Look at Popeye on it.

After collecting the gyms entire collection of 5s and 2 ½s, finding most 5s aren’t fitting (with all fitting 5s DB could’ve been solid ~160lb), I attempt to shoulder 90? lbs and as I am trying to figure this technique with one hand (I wasn’t sure if 2 hands to shoulder is cheating)…

I stop, rest the bell against my thigh, and move it to the side of my thigh only for the doubled clips to give out under the massive load of 22½ lbs in small plates on that side.

I hear “that could’ve been bad” my reply “yeah, but I saw it coming”
I’d already hit the bell on my glasses during an earlier rep and my spidey senses were heightened and had tingled.

The building is humid, I’m dehydrated, and decide to PT.

I end up doing about 3 sets of each as I didn’t like the range of motion on the first pushup set which had me making a funny face to contain the high possibility of nosebleed scrunching that nostril thinking “not today!”

So 3 sets of each exercise.

My right quad starts a cramping, I finish and check off PT for the day.

“Wheres the water fountain” I look around finding none.

“Damn it” then “Fuck it, I’ll refill with the bathroom sink.”

I’m that dehydrated.

“Ahh water.”

Grocery store after. Walking the frozen aisle looking like I’d worked a landscaper 10 and smelling like after a 3hr wrestling practice.

Pizza and egg nog.

Drink egg nog as pizza cooks. Eat ⅜ pizza, and drink ⅔ of that egg nog container.

“Shit, I’m on fire”

Go to different room, “fuck the fan doesn’t work”
Go outside and sit there in the cool air…until I’m about to shit myself.

Running parallel to starting at eating I typed this.

Thus endeth the story.

Today (yesterday as of posting) was a nice mental reset.

I’ve been thinking what is ideal, and what exactly do I want to do. I’ve found some answers.


Some Answers: