Dogma In The Gym

Most programming is essentially dogma in it’s application by trainees.

In the back corner you’ve got the powerlifting crew screaming overtraining should you squat more than once weekly, over by the dumbbells and mirrors you’ve got the bodybuilders saying full body splits give you AIDS, and over at platform the small Olympic crew is doing almost naught but the lifts and squats, 7x a week MINIMUM.

I’ll let you in on the greatest strength secret in the world, the one that you ABSOLUTELY need to make great gains,the one that you’ve been searching for countless hours via Google and……

You ready?

All the approaches can work.

But there’s a catch, an if.


See methodology doesn’t really matter. Every method has people making gains, AND people essentially masturbating,spinning their wheels for “maintenance” at best.

Generally I lift like I’m a weightlifter doing the powerlifts.

Doing this I almost got injured, as I was flat out ignoring putting in the strengthening the system work that the Westside inspired powerlifters do.

My own training is a testament of proof against the existence of an overtraining Boogeyman that so strongly haunts the mind of both powerlifters and bodybuilders.

Really I’m part of a rarely found in nature species, I’m one of the guys​ who walk into the gym with the no plan other than to go hard.

From time to time I have to evaluate and take ques from other methodologies, like being smart and adding in regular ab and lower back work while still having no plan other than train + get stronger.

You should take a look at how dogmatic you are about both how to train, and what ways of training are possible.

Certain personality types respond better mentally (which is the most important part) to far less rigidity, to a more freestyle “method” of training.

I’m one of them, and our needs in the gym are rarely discussed, as I believe we are a small percentage. I am not the only one however, as I have met one or two others who train similarly to how I do.

Take a look at your programing. If it doesn’t bring you joy, why are you doing it? Don’t be scared to toss the rules out and experiment. Dogma holds many down. Once you’ve found a method that clicks, oh boy you’ll get gains, as you’ll be putting in more effort.

EFFORT IS WHAT LEADS TO RESULTS! You’ll never find the “perfect” program, so just work!

Fuck your dogma and fuck your program, train hard.
