December 2022 Flow – 12/25/22 – Merry Christmas!

Christmas day.

I spent a little time with family.
The day was off from work.

I chose not to lift, taking a nap with what daylight remained instead.

no lifting today, though he still came last night

Around midday, all the cars – I wondered what percentage were going to visit, what percentage going home.

I was supposed to see a buddy, that fell through.

I gave him a call, it went to voicemail – I moved on with my day.

That’s how I play such things – no shows just don’t bother me.

There’s always something else to do instead.

However, aren’t there people out there – others who are consistent? I should be able to meet some.


In my day to day I’m real good about always being on time, if not early.

I’ve heard stories of men who worked 40+ years at one factory, never once late, never once calling out.

I can’t say this about me.
I have been late. I have called out.

Not infallible, but higher quality than the large majority.

I’ve had lots of jobs, and there are still ones I’d like to try.

To tend bar (despite never having drank) – I’d like to tend bar.

Technically, I had a phone sales job (very briefly), I don’t count that – I’d like to try sales, car sounds good to me, was something I tried to get into in my early 20s – no dice.

I’ve met a dude, with a labor and jail background, who makes six figures in I think it’s solar – early thirties, I think he’s a millionaire.


deleted a big downer section


Man it’s Christmas day!

Laughs, I’m not unhappy, just… lost searching.

For income good enough, a woman (or three) good enough.

lol – my girlfriend, all three of them, is a standard joke I make…even say it to my mom

all three of them – the brunette is my favorite – being botb sweetest by far, and properly tall, 5’9″ or so – not a little 5’2″ spinner like the blonde :)-

All kidding aside – I’ve been having this internal crisis of how to both have kids, support them, and raise them right, raise them well.

Been looking at my Dad, his sacrifice – struggles, in a different light lately.

In fact, I saw a picture of his Dad today.

Papa – I’d only met him a few times.
He passed when I was six. The New England side of the family, before we moved from Cali to New England.

I’ve seen very few photos.

My dad has often joked about me being the result of what would happen if my two grandfathers quickly ran face first into each other all cartoon like.

Or were put into a particle collider.

This year he’s said I basically look like his dad had he lifted weights.

With that picture today of Papa standing with an aunt – today I saw the resemblance!

There’s a bunch of facial similarities, and it looked like we have the same shoulder bone structure.

Nice to see, feel, the bloodline’s past.
Papa. Dad. Me. Future Sons.

Persistence & Tenacity