Cereal causes health problems.
The box may say heart healthy, but the more breakfast cereal one consumes over their lifetime the higher and higher their odds of heart attack, and diabetes are pushed.
That’s what my own two eyes have seen.
Slopping cereal = heart attack and/or diabetes. And you don’t even enjoy eating it as you’re prepping for health problems.
I don’t see that with eggs. Most are too scared of them. And got forbid they’re drank raw.
Real food is villianized, yet it’s all there at the grocery store, you’re free to purchase either or.
But to take the step, to eat real food, you’ve got to have an independent mind, and be fearless.
The fearful and conformist slop down soggy cereal.
(↑slogan/™ right there)
Those who see, who think, they’ll act – enjoying red meat, eggs, milk, shopping mostly the peripheral of the grocery store.
You clearly see one’s food choices playing out in direct correlation not only to their physiques, but to their personalities as well.
Look at the history of meat eating, access to meat, and who ate grain.
The barrier to meat is still there, but instead of butting up against the penalty of death for poaching one of the king’s deer, you now butt up against propaganda and lies everywhere about how bad meat is for you.
Smarts allow for dietary freedom.
Stupidity is the root cause of terrible dietary choices.
Brawndo – it’s got electrolytes.
But saturated fat has vitality.
Carbs aren’t evil, but a diet of naught but grain sure ain’t ideal.
No one ever went wrong with meat, potatoes, vegetables. Past that is often calories, but not nutrition.
Persistence & Tenacity