April 28, 2024 – “Many Big Benchers Eat DURING Workouts” :

Many of those giant of upper body guys of the 1950s muscle beach era – it seems they had a commonality of eating sandwiches and drinking milk DURING the workouts.

One of the few 495/500lb benchers I’ve seen, the guy (short, stout, college aged) he’d be coming to the gym with a bag or two of mcdonalds, a package of oreos – strict rest periods for him would read as “8oz milk, one mcchicken, sleeve of oreos – sit for 15:00”.

No, but I do wonder “what if I quit everything, restarted life – out of new england, inside some commercial gym in ??? (az maybe), just went bench bro bench specialist with my proportions – just one year of dedication to hit a 500lb bench”

I’ve had people tell me they can see me being a lifetime 500lb bencher.

I’d have to get a setup or get to a setup.
Backyard kettlebell isn’t exactly bench specialist training, but hey – I have pretty strong wrists and decently strong shoulders.

The bottoms up pressing is awesome.
I intend to go way further, and somehow that’ll probably cross over.


I really think that all should just do a brief daily workout of calisthenics and kettlebell.

It’s sad really to see people that can’t squat.

Many people spend a lifetime at slowly losing basic locomotion and movement.

It’s like they…gave up.
Do they not recall their joyous physicality in youth?

That’s why I want a ≤6:00 mile again, so as to feel that joyous feeling of healthy movement.

Where is it, what causes one to reach the decision to give up on having a healthy physicality.

What day did one go from healthy to just going to sit on the couch and watch some bullshit…

When did one shy away from the joy of an all out sprint, a heavy lift, a long drawn out labor ending in a sense of accomplishment.


Days ago, now so close to thirty, and knowing it’d be pathetic to still be watching porn in my thirties…I stopped.

It’s been about a week.

I preferred myself being militant about it, zero porn, to myself watching some here and there.

I preferred myself being able to say “I don’t watch porn” instead of “I dislike/disagree with/am against watching porn”.

The change has been made.


Unless we’re thriving in every way – IT’S US MAKING EXCUSES


The Lift :
Jerk 40kg
2h Swing
BUP 16kg
about ten minutes of soccer ball, 17ct the best, then a twelve or fifteen minute walk – one hour total

The jerk can be pushed for fitness, and honestly I’d expect it to be similar to when I was barbell jerking 225lbs for reps years back – surprising upper body carry over.

The 2h swing, well all the kettlebell lately made that set of 15 easier than I’d expected.

Basically just get some volume daily, then go for a walk – it’ll all work out.

And a note ; the walk soon after the kettlebell gets blood flowing throughout the whole body, and aside from my fat man calves cramping the act of the thing itself keeps me fairly loose – it’s such a simple, great thing to be doing.

However it’s essentially new stimulus, and my quads are sore from a few days of them.


That little porn urge if/when it’s there; back to an old standby ; say it, mean it, apply, and repeat as necessary “fuck that – not today”.

It works.

Okay now it’s ;

Bic my scalp (most every day – I find it meditating)

Go for a can of iced tea…there’s a gallon of water sitting atop it.

Take a swig. Closer to keto this way.

The next few months, if I stick to keto/close to it (anabolic diet in mind – weekends off), alongside the coming training…

Stay tuned for continuation tomorrow!


an extra 20 strict pushups in the final seconds of today and first couple of (technically) tomorrow.

May the mood in the air guide you to greatness.

Persistence & Tenacity