April 23, 2024 – The Barbarian Brothers “Podcast” Is My First 5k Views YouTube Video :

I just had my first 5k view youtube video.
The barbarian brothers “podcast”, something I recorded spur of the moment with my phone’s audio record, forgot about for a few months, stumbled across, added image to (as video), and uploaded…

It basically is ever green, for most of its time up was 50 or so views a day, a little while of stagnation, now back to 30 or so views daily.

“However long it takes.”
Mostly I’m good about looking at it that way.

Sometimes I’ll come across some account, and get down for a moment “how did they get that many that fast” subscribers.

Then it passes, I say good for them, and continue to upload my content.

I’m not sure where I intend to go with I

I don’t take photos, and the reels I see seem very different than my own.

Truly I have more interest in youtube, that’s how I managed to create the channel and upload the same day, how I ended up back at the channel vs taking 7 years to post on the ig account I’d created two and a half months before going online with the site and channel.

However the dm feature of ig is awesome.
Worldwide texting with people that like your content enough to contact you.


Ten or fifteen minutes soccer ball, 14ct the best.


Threw a frisbee for about a half hour.
Plenty of athletic movement chasing the thing around.


Very brief minisession of 16kg buc&p with plenty of h2h cleans, h2h tosses back and forth at rack, really brief minisession


Second minisession of the same stuff for about twelve minutes after dark.

That’s what physicality is.

My lats are smoked.
The bottoms up work will do that.
We’ll experience the wth effect in the future.


I’m thinking tomorrow to either one arm snatch or power snatch, maybe both – actually use a barbell.

And here’s something I do either in the bathroom mirror or between sets ; flex my neck, dynamic tension in all four directions, sometimes even (gasp) twisting my neck.

Thickens the neck.

A strong neck is rather useful.
It being as strong as, and like a 5th limb is highly useful on grappling.


Persistence & Tenacity