Power Snatch & Overhead Squats For Alpha Male Posture

Alpha posture is all about taking up space.

Regularly standing in a variant of victory pose is an extremely effective way to train yourself to stand as a man should.

Good Posture = Good Life

I enjoy weightlifting, oly.
With a pair of work boots as blue collar lifting shoes, self taught, and with a 300lb weight set (though I’d also invest in a higher quality though affordable bar), it’s a very accessible way to lift, and very likely will last you a long time to max out on.

Most humans will find 300lbs to be something that takes a long while to get from the ground to overhead.

However ; light high rep weightlifting has it’s place.

This is basically what girevoy sport/kettlebell competition is – light high rep weightlifting.

You can do olys for reps if you want to.

I’ve done periods of naught but high rep light overhead squats, the practice of which had strong carryover to everything.

It’s why I say it’s aokay to high rep weightlift.

You end up freakishly all around, with very high power-endurance, and strength-endurance.

Now compare the victory pose to the top of a snatch or overhead squat.

It’s a very similar posture. Upright and expansive.

The power snatch and the overhead squat are quite easy to self teach.

With a 300lb weight set they’re very accessible.

It clicked to me that in that top position to support the bar the upper body must be expanded, you’re strengthening your upper body in that expanded taking up space alpha position.

Strengthening a posture will make it come more naturally to you. When something is strong it’s more likely to be your default settings.

You’re doing this for upper body posture while training legs to boot.

The overhead squat, the top of a snatch, is training your alpha male posture.

Persistence & Tenacity