A Realization On American Weightlifting

Back when American weightlifting was competitive their numbers were not far from the best numbers today, and were done on less whippy bars, without bumper plates.

They had to be strong, and just like today…they didn’t come up in a Soviet or ChiCom style athletic system.

Schemansky worked jobs and trained after work.

They were true amatuers.

A truly strong amateur wouldn’t need Bulgarian type hours in the gym.

Brutally strong with good enough technique used to work. It still can. It still does.

Strong pressing, despite the press not having been competed in since 1972 could be the strength that American weightlifting needs.

Brutal strength in a system that works for you, not attempting to simulate another country’s system.

Who was America’s last weightlifting medalist? Martinez?

(A guy who’s form was atrocious, backed by brutal strength. And yes I know, there were no Soviets there.)

You’re not going to get strong dropping life for weightlifting, our entire history of world class weightlifters all were working jobs, training around them, including the York Barbell lifters.

What if…you mentally viewed yourself as capable…and in the perfect circumstances already.

(Not wishing to be at an otc simulating Bulgaria.)