Wes Watson On Sickness : My Thoughts

Wes Watson is putting some great content out on YouTube.

I found this video’s advice to be solid :

So solid that I’d link and share my related thoughts.

This is pretty much the same statement I’ve made about refusing injury, refusing to get sore, etc in conversations face to face related to the gym.

Physical issues are a manifestation of mental weakness, idiocy, et al.

Not my opinion, it’s fact.

I do believe sicknesses mean you fucked up, and to a degree I view shit like cancer as punishment.

Breathe that shit away, choose not to have it. Wim Hof.

It’s simple, a mix of mindset and instinctively in tune with yourself.

Lethargy, low testosterone, low energy bullshit is a choice.

99.9% never push themselves far enough physically to learn how much brutish animalistic endurance they possess. They’re too busy worrying about overtraining to fucking push work capacity up to meaningful levels. Generally the dudes with the ability to work 12+ hour days back to back to back are not solely gym bros or laborers. Combine both, regardless of what you try to say the gym isn’t all that masculine of an environment, labor can be. Combine the two for the benefits of both. A gym dude will know how to make labor sustainable, which mostly boils down to a small amount of muscular balancing work, eating well, and not smoking weed+cigs/drinking/injecting h like a sizeable number of your freakishly strong but in pain coworkers.

I’ve never got hurt in the gym since I refuse to acknowledge the possibility. You may have that possibility, but I don’t. You might get hurt, but I won’t. I’m not weak like that. I don’t participate in that shit.

“I’m not weak like that. I don’t participate in that shit.” – this is roughly my quote said in 2016 to my lifting partner in his car, also roughly said in the video

A meditation practice that I’ve used to help on that note here.

If I start to think that my “recovery” is slowing down, I make that part of my brain shut up, and reavow to build so much work capacity that I’ll have athletic teen levels of recovery well into old age.

Though used before on the site, Barney’s philosophy is relevant to this one too.

I can handle infinite volume when I’m mentally into it. This can be enjoyment, anger, spite, a combination. Any mind state that has me willing to do it.

I find it ridiculous when people come up with 1001 excuses to physically suck. Nearly 100% of the time it annoys me to hear, only once, the exception to the rule as it were, this dude I nicknamed “weaksauce”, his weakness, high pitched voice, personality, and general appearance I found so amusingly comical I found it in me to enjoy interactions with him. I got to see the opposite mentality in it’s full lack of glory. His well built coworker that could only talk of possible injuries? I got sick it hearing his “gonna get hurt” bullshit.

Persistence & Tenacity