A Short Note On Feel Good Workouts

Training doesn’t have to have a concrete gym type goal of aesthetics or performance in mind. You can just do something that makes you feel good.

Nowhere near the type of thing that wipes you out, or breaks you down.

Just. Feel. Good.

I recommend something I call “muscular cardio”. You want the muscular activation, the pump, and the out of breath cardio effect.

A combination of calisthenics, light high rep lifting, and cardio fit the bill.

One set of high rep set of overhead squats gives me a leg pump and muscular activation in my back. A minute or so after I find myself out of breath, the oxygen debt catching up to me.

My nightly set of pushups gets the stimuli to my push muscles, and another hit of out of breath.

Twice a day I work significant amounts of muscles, and get out of breath. That’s two dopamine hits every day.

I also do some grip, ab, and neck work, and am looking forward to more cardio when the ground is free of snow.

On paper this shouldn’t get you strong, yet in reality you do get stronger, though the bigger results come in conditioning.

Training like this isn’t gym training, it’s more like what your ancestors did, and puts training where it belongs ; as a small part of and a healthy addition to your life.