6/17/23 – The Third Minisession – My First Time Doing 500 Kettlebell Swings…In 30:00 :

“Can you train the kettlebell every day”, they ask online, and there’s a million “answers” mostly noise…my say?
I say “do it – see what what it does for you”.
Me personally…I’m on my kettlebell journey.

And loving it…

This brings me to ;

The First Minisession :

For the past few days I’ve been doing a real effective, real fun session – the bonus being it’s how I’m getting in part of the day’s mandatory PT in.

With a requirement to perform 100+ deep knee bends I’ve been matching them rep for rep with one arm swings each side with the 20kg kettlebell, each time aiming to keep the thing under twenty minutes.

So in twenty minutes I’ve got 100 deep knee bends in, generally a little over that, and 200 one arm swings split evenly between hands, again – generally a little over that.

Note ; it amuses me greatly how the big neighborhood dog amps up whenever he’s being walked by as I workout.

The Second Minisession :

I rested a while, this lazy rainy saturday basically spent sleeping in, eating a couple easy to prep meals, and doing a couple workouts.

This second minisession is completing to 500+ swings on the day as yesterday I went to bed thinking I’d do exactly that today.

Note : been rained on this entire day’s workouts.

Yep. ✓
Did 310 swings, split – I think, 50/50 each side, did a few burpees (had to – daily PT), and stirred the pot, a fun exercise, holding the bell’s horns.

You can get a lot out of a little when you put in a lot.

I feel real good with the frequent workouts.
The thing too is that I was exhausted when I woke up, had slept a mostly unbroken thirteen hours – after a week of work, workouts, and probably not enough food.

That’s something for me to work on, speeding up my metabolism by eating more frequently – though I’m used to fasting.


Third Minisession :
20kg – probably just a tad higher for the large majority of the reps

9 o’clock hour, did 500+ one arm swings – a handful of sets of 30, the largest count with hand switches something like a set of 54 reps (final set – ending strong), though all of it done pretty low in height as said beneath the picture of bud jeffries (who presently I’m similar to in height/weight – rip bud, I never got to meet you) with the 20kg bell, in about 30:00 – completing 1000 one arm swings on the day.

Man the contrast of flashing screens in neighborhood windows as you’re breathing heavy, swinging the bell, getting rained on – listening to wes watson audio, making your self talk right, positive, and most importantly… envisioning a better future, having a life that fulfills and works for me!

Persistence & Tenacity

P.S. It’s amazing how strong I am prepping pushups within a couple hours of a good kettlebell pulling session.

Really primes me, an example of the “what the hell” effect.

I get this “primed” for pushups carryover from the barbell military press, as well as I’ve recently discovered by all kettlebell ballistics.