6/5/23 – Burpees & Kettlebell Snatches – (Exaggerating) The Key To The Universe :

I’ve found the key to the universe!
(yes an exaggeration)

all in all the session took about 20:00, three sets of kettlebell snatches each side, three sets of burpees – today done right, left, burpee


~290lbs bodyweight – size is no excuse to not be smashing your calisthenics.

I have no clue my powerlifts…and I don’t give a damn either.

I can mix some barbell in, I even intend to, but it’s not my mainstay right now.

Stuff like this ; mixing kettlebell snatches and burpees is strength and conditioning work at the same time, the place I’ve long called “Cardio Calisthenics™”, which is where the best results come from.

Do I want to lose weight?

I’m more concerned with feeling that I have wind, am not gassing, have work capacity, have high energy – than seeing the scale move.

As far as lifting…

It doesn’t have to be progress mathematically!

The session can be done when you’re out of breath, have pushed a little to complete the sets/reps you wanted to hit, and most importantly are euphoric!

Euphoria can be the metric, it’s what I’m using – it’s why I both loved and love again the burpee, it’s why I’ve discovered love for the kettlebell snatch.

I’m building wind with strength, and in a rather freeing manner logistically.

Persistence & Tenacity