September 2022 – Closing In On A 225lb Military Press aka Press Or Die or How I (Re)Found The Joy Of Purpose :

I do a set of military press daily.

#1 in life right now is to get my first 225lb military press.

When I have to, I lift before work, just as I’ve done pushups before work for the better part of the past year.

Over the years when I felt like nothing was going for me, generally I had the gym.

This past, almost year, it had been a struggle to get to any of the right headspaces lifting outdoors alone.

Now, it’s “can’t wait to press tomorrow morning! Thank you! I’ve got olys!

Upbeat, I scream it to God in the sky!

“Press time! I’ve got olys! Thank you!”

That is the bulk of my thoughts, “can’t wait to press tomorrow morning! Thank you! I’ve got olys!”

Yes. I am dodging bigger things by #1 in life being a barbell lift.

This dead end job I’m working?
Head down, it’s nearing the year, press tommorow morning.

Days of stubble?
It’ll be months of beard soon enough, I am not fucking it up -press tommorow morning.

I’ve given myself something tangible, within close reach, not a hard to see ways off to get out of bed in the morning for.

I had needed that.

The rest?
I’ll figure it all out as I go.

It’s gonna be sweat hitting 225.
So close. I taste it every time my hands grip iron.

Follow the method ;
No warmup, press the weight for amrap, once it’s 10-12 reps, up it 5lbs, repeat tommorow.

300lbs on video soon after.
Trust the method.
(Press. Hang clean.)

I’m doing what is necessary for that.

Building that strength!

Eating for it.
Lifting for it.

(military press amraps, hang clean amraps)

Into lifting outdoors, in the moment, just me and nature, my spot a piece of particle board and a pair of rubber patio tiles, chomping down into that two buck mouthpiece, headphones blaring, press time!

Get some! Whooo!
Ric Flair baby!

Live the passion. Love it.
Have purpose.

Persistence & Tenacity

P.S. Damn does cold turkey no television make a difference. I advise anyone to cut that shit out. You’ll have other things to do, the brain will find you better.

aslan – street gladiator

September 2022 – 300lb Weight Set & Military Pressing Thoughts :

You’ll get brutally strong with nothing but a barbell.

No one, and I mean no one (outside of maybe Klokov or similar), has truly maxed out a 300lb weight set.

if even

It’s better to think outside of the weight room, and realize that hard labor has made more men strong through human history than the gym ever has.

The barbell deadlift carry is a wonderfully awful thing, as is how the forearms are trained with high rep hang cleans.

I pressed 150lbs for 10, then did a couple sets of hang cleans.

“Only 150lbs” many would say, I’d up the ante daring them to match my sets.

Most aren’t going to overhead press worth a damn, which is a shame, as the iron game was a better place before I was born when people regularly put weight overhead.

As dictator of earth I’d make everyone clean & press.

At present my #1 training goal, and possibly #1 thing in life is to press 225lbs.

It’s a weight room goal I’ve long long long had, still unachieved.

It’s close.

The approach is working ;
One set of presses each day at a minimum, more than one set when the mood strikes, and to tack hang cleans on when that mood strikes.

Heck, I could do a set once in the morning, once in the evening easily enough.

A major perk of having weights at home.

The pressing is getting easy.

Since I do everything from the ground, it’s actually more important for me to diesel up my power cleans.

I am built to press.

Thinking labor strength, thinking brute force, the answer here is hang clean for reps.

I keep it simple, just doing some with whatever weight I happen to have pressed.

If I am to feel really fancy I’ll have done some plate pinches before the olys.

That works for me as a serious primer for the grip.

To all who think one weight across all barbell lifts is not weighing it down enough, I raise you the fact that ANYONE with a 300lb c&p is going to be strong enough to get away with never going past 300lbs.

They won’t need it.

Realizing this, suddenly a 300lb weight set, and some ground anywhere is a gym with unlimited potential.

Blend that barbell with old time weightlifting, girevoy, and you’re really onto something.

bigger #s on video soonest

Persistence & Tenacity

Notes To Self :
•every lift feels 10% easier while chomping down on a $2 mouth guard
•dude, you lift like a fucking caveman, you’re brute upper body strength, try actually squeezing your ass and thighs
•hang clean – more, more, MORE! bro
•this pointedly eating thing is working nicely, this typed up, it’s time to cook some delicious delicious red meat with, if we’re being honest, pierogi.

I feel like a ground beef, onions, and gravy poured over the stuff.

September 2022 – Effective Minimalistic Daily Lifting (Hint Power Clean & Press From The Dead Hang) :

You setup with the bar in front of you, slowly deadlifting it to just above knee height.

Pause. A long pause, at least a couple counts.

Now, you shoulder it from that dead hang, whether you jump & shrug, or heave it up by upper body strength alone – that varies based on the particulars of the footing.

Be smart about it. However, know that you can do real well on muscle cleans/heaves from the dead hang when you choose and/or the available footing forces you to.

How different it is for me than on an indoor perfectly level gym floor.

Make the training variants harder than necessary. It has the side effect of building muscle and making you strong.

Okay, it’s shouldered. Wait a count. Press. Wait a count or two at the top. Lower. Repeat.

You’re pressing these reps real precise, real deliberately.

not pictured : me pressing

Good. You lifted.
Pressing every day this month so far. You’re pressing every day this month.

We’ll see where it ends up.

I’m really liking the deliberate pauses, it’s how some old time lifters said to lift – real controlled, deliberate every rep, stop at the top, stop at the bottom, basically an extended string of singles never unloading the body, keeping the time under tension high.

It’s strength work regardless of weight on the bar – in this case building up the press 10 rep, 12 rep max.

It’ll get above 200lbs soon enough.

Mindset wise I do better with a daily lift.

Even if it’s a quick one set of presses done shirtless in work pants before immediately hopping in the car and go!

That’s better for me than the no lift, sit around, sorry alternative.

I’m genuinely enjoying the hc&p, enjoying my lifting even though this abbreviated.

Make the circumstances work for you.

Persistence & Tenacity

Lifting Music :

mr. criminal – based on a true story