Eating Dairy & Corn Before Bed :

I’ve never stressed eating near going to bed, in fact preferring to.

A full belly makes it easier to fall asleep.

My food is stacked in the evening. I feel better this way.

Hearty breakfast is served at the entirely wrong time of day – I want sausage and grits at night.

When I have cereal it’s before bed.

Heavy meals in the am only slow me down, but in the evening and night there’s time to digest and utilize the food for recovery and repair before being in action again.

If calories and sleep both are anabolic doesn’t it make sense to worry about fat in the future, and use the anabolism now?

Feed the body before rest.

That’s the way I see it.

Cheesy grits with whatever meat is on hand is one of my ravenous at late night go tos.

A couple minutes in the microwave, and boom – you’ve got something tasty, enjoyable, and warm that’ll stick to your ribs.

I find it comforting.
A simple pleasure.

Corn cereal in heavy cream is another.

A coworker turned me onto this after I’d said how I’ll mix raw eggs with ice cream and milk or heavy cream.

“Have you ever eaten cereal with cream instead of milk poured over it?”

Cereal with cream was something he’d done as a child on his grandpa’s farm, and let me tell you cereals are real good this way.

They don’t taste so dang sugary, the fat of the cream blunting the sugar added to the cereal.

Drink milk on the side of both.

Dairy & corn late night for muscular gains.

Try this, and know this – saturated fat is a precursor to hormone production.

My body easily utilizes heavy cream, right before bed to be utilized as I rest overnight…I feel and see the raised testosterone.

This is why I prefer it to milk in egg shakes.

The extra saturated fat boosts testosterone, and is more anabolic than protein consumption.

Spittin knowledge –

“Mr if I’m talking you should listen, game is free ok.”